2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
Text: State's Dobriansky Says U.S. Seeks Beijing-Dalai Lama Talks
(Remarks to House International Relations Committee)
March 7, 2002Text: Chairman Hyde Discusses U.S. Policy Toward Tibet
(Says U.S. wants Tibetans to live "without persecution")
March 7, 2002Text: Measure Says U.S. Should Consider Recognizing Exiled Tibetans
(U.S. would act unless China gives Tibet autonomy in 3 years)
March 5, 2002Excerpt: China Dissidents Live in Environment Filled With Repression
(China Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 2001)
March 4, 2002Excerpt: Serious Human Rights Abuses by China Persist in Tibet
(Tibet annex from 2001 China Human Rights Report)
March 4, 2002Excerpt: Taiwan Generally Respects Rights of Citizens, Report Says
(State Department report on human rights practices in 2001)
March 4, 2002Excerpt: State Dept. Says Human Rights Generally Respected in Macau
(China Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 2001)
March 4, 2002Transcript: President Bush Describes U.S. Values to Chinese Students
(Remarks at Tsinghua University, Beijing)
February 22, 2002Transcript: Rice Says U.S. Wants Constructive Relationship with China
(Briefing on Bush meeting with China's Jiang Zemin)
February 21, 2002Byliner: Senator Helms Outlines Issues in U.S.-China Relations
(Cites Taiwan, religious freedom, weapons proliferation)
February 19, 2002Text: Commission Calls on China to Reform Laws on Religion
(International religious freedom commission report)
February 13, 2002Text: Rights Panel Chair Stresses Universality of Religious Freedom
(Ros-Lehtinen's Feb. 13 remarks at human rights panel)
February 13, 2002Text: Statement on Arrest of Bible Distributor in China
(State Department briefing -- taken question on Li Guangqing)
January 9, 2002
Text: Senator Udall's Remarks on Human Rights Situation in Tibet
(Fighting terrorism does not justify internal crackdowns)
December 6, 2001Text: Congressman Congratulates Taiwan's Vice President on Prize
(Leach praises Lu for her commitment to democracy)
November 28, 2001Text: State Department Report on Religious Freedom in China
(Includes information on Hong Kong, Macau and Tibet)
October 26, 2001Text: State Department Report on Religious Freedom in China
(Discusses Taiwan)
October 26, 2001Text: State's Report on Hong Kong Sees Freedoms Mostly Intact
(Hong Kong's treatment of Falun Gong differs from China's)
August 7, 2001Text: Resolution Urges China to Halt North Korean Repatriations
(H. Con. Res. 213 says Pyongyang regime tortures returnees)
August 2, 2001Text: Customs Commissioner on Chinese Prison Labor
(Testimony before U.S.-China Security Review Commission)
August 2, 2001Transcript: China-Related Excerpts of Powell CNN Interview
(Secretary of State discusses his past, Bush's upcoming China visit)
August 1, 2001Excerpts: Colin Powell Press Conference En Route to Australia
(Secretary of State discusses encouraging aspects of China visit)
July 29, 2001Transcript: Powell Stresses U.S. Wants Friendly Ties With China
(Complete July 28 interview on Chinese television)
July 28, 2001Text: Senate Passes Resolution Calling for Release of Scholars
(Detention of U.S. citizens, residents hurts U.S.-China ties)
July 24, 2001Text: Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee Calls for Release of Gao Zhan
(Jackson-Lee sponsoring bill to make Gao Zhan U.S. citizen)
July 24, 2001Excerpt: Secretary of State Powell's Press Conference in Tokyo
(Stresses importance of human rights as a bilateral issue with China)
July 24, 2001Excerpt: State Department Briefing Remarks on Gao Zhan
(U.S. monitoring cases of citizens, residents held in China)
July 24, 2001Text: House Approves Resolution on China School Explosion
(House passes H. Res. 121 as amended by Rep. Smith)
July 23, 2001Text: Hyde Sees Beijing 2008 Olympics as Beneficial for Taiwan
(Statement of House International Relations Chairman)
July 13, 2001Text: Sen. Wellstone Press Release on China Hosting 2008 Olympics
(Calls selection both human rights setback, opportunity)
July 13, 2001Text: Rep. Pelosi Press Release on China Hosting 2008 Olympics
(Chinese government must be held to promise on basic freedoms)
July 13, 2001Text: Helms Decries IOC Decision to Give 2008 Olympics to Beijing
(Compares Decision to Giving Hitler's Germany 1936 Olympics)
July 13, 2001Transcript: Hong Kong's Chief Executive and Bush Meet
(Bush emphasizes "constructive dialogue" with China)
July 11, 2001Text: Proposed Senate Resolution Urges China to Release Li Shaomin
(Senate Resolution 128 on U.S. Scholars of Chinese Ancestry)
July 11, 2001Text: Increased Trade Hasn't Reduced China's Abuses, Wolf Says
(Republican lawmaker says Chinese repression continues)
July 10, 2001Text: Lantos News Release on Measure Opposing China's Olympic Bid
(Congressman presses for immediate vote on H. Con. Res. 73)
July 10, 2001Byliner: Rep. Tom Lantos on China as Site for 2008 Olympics
(Urges rejection of China's bid to "protect the Olympic ideal")
July 8, 2001Text: State Department Spokesman's Statement on Falun Gong
(Boucher calls reports of violence, torture "chilling")
July 5, 2001Text: State's Parmly on Sale of Human Organs in China
(Parmly calls practice "egregious human rights abuse")
June 27, 2001Text: Lawmakers Urge Customs, Labor to Check Chinese Products
(Reps. Pelosi, Miller concerned about use of child labor)
June 26, 2001Text: Bush Urges Dialogue on Tibet Between Dalai Lama, Beijing
(White House press secretary's statement)
May 23, 2001Text: Proposed Legislation on Tibet Calls for a Variety of Actions
(H.R. 1779 seeks end to religious persecution in Tibet)
May 9, 2001Excerpts: Bush on Religious Freedom to American Jewish Committee
(Religious persecution "unworthy" of China's past, future)
May 3, 2001Excerpt: Religious Freedom Commission's Report on China
(2001 report says conditions "have sharply deteriorated")
May 1, 2001Texts: Press Release, Letter on Arrest of Chinese Bishop
(Urges Chinese government to end religious persecution)
April 26, 2001Text: U.S. Decries China's Use of "No Action" Motion
(Statement of Ambassador Shirin Tahir-Kheli in Geneva)
April 18, 2001Text: U.S. Introduces U.N. Resolution on China's Rights Practices
(U.S. urges other commission members to support resolution)
April 18, 2001Text: U.S. Puts Forward U.N. Resolution on China's Human Rights Record
(U.N. Commission on Human Rights to consider measure later)
April 11, 2001Excerpts: Rep. Lantos on House Resolution on China's Rights Record
(Cites case of U.S. child kept from parents for 26 days)
April 4, 2001Text: Rep. Gilman Backs House Resolution on China's Rights Record
(Gilman urges Beijing to meet with Dalai Lama)
April 4, 2001Text: Ros-Lehtinen Says China Must Be Accountable for Its Actions
(Human rights subcommittee chairperson supports H. Res. 56)
April 3, 2001Excerpt: House Resolution on China's Rights Record Passes 406-6
(Measure backs U.S. efforts toward U.N. resolution on China)
April 3, 2001Text: Senate Resolution Says China Should Not Host 2008 Olympics
(Senate Concurrent Resolution 27 cites rights record)
March 21, 2001Texts: Rep. Lantos on 2008 Olympics Site Selection
(42 lawmakers oppose China's bid because of rights record)
March 21, 2001Text: Senate Urges U.S. to Spotlight China's Rights Record at Geneva
(Senate Resolution 22 passes by unanimous consent)
March 20, 2001Text: House Resolution Urges China to End Religious Persecution
(Government should stop persecution, safeguard human rights)
March 20, 2001Text: Rep. Gilman on 42nd Anniversary of "Tibetan Uprising Day"
(Gilman: Tibetan freedom fighters' cause "remains our own")
March 8, 2001Text: Lawmakers Ask U.S. to Seek U.N. Resolution on China in Geneva
(Lantos, Pelosi, Smith urge U.S. action at UNCHR meeting)
February 26, 20012000 Report on Human Rights Practices: China
(Government's poor human rights record worsened)
February 26, 20012000 Report on Human Rights Practices: Taiwan
(Authorities generally respect rights; but problems remain)
February 26, 20012000 Report on Human Rights Practices: Hong Kong
(Government generally respected human rights of residents)
February 26, 20012000 Report on Human Rights Practices: Macau
(Citizens' ability to change their government limited)
February 26, 20012000 Report on Human Rights Practices: Tibet
(PRC's respect for religious freedom in Tibet deteriorated)
February 26, 2001Text: Lawmaker Wants U.N. Condemnation of China's Rights Abuses
(Pelosi: Administration should "lobby other governments")
February 14, 2001Transcript: Senators Urge Sanctioning China on Human Rights Abuses
(Measure calls on U.S. to introduce resolution in Geneva)
February 14, 2001Transcript: Powell Tells Beijing Envoy China Is Not Inevitable Foe
(Excerpt on Chinese ambassador's farewell visit to State)
January 24, 2001
Text: Congressman Decries Beijing's Human Rights Record After PNTR
(Rep. Wolf on PNTR and lack of freedom in China)
December 5, 2000Text: Lawmakers Introduce Measure on 2008 Olympics, Human Rights
(Olympics in China would be conditional on improved rights)
September 28, 2000Text: House Resolution on Consideration of Beijing for 2008 Olympics
(China should not host Olympics unless rights record improves)
September 28, 2000Senate Foreign Relations Committee Release on Tibet
(Granting PNTR would "ignore the struggle" of Tibetan people)
September 11, 2000Text: State Department on Hong Kong Legislative Council Elections
(Elections deemed fair, Spokesman Boucher says Sept. 11)
September 11, 2000Transcript: Background Briefing on Clinton-Jiang Bilateral
(Meeting covered cross-strait relations, PNTR, Tibet)
September 8, 2000Transcript: Senators Offer Religious Freedom Amendment to H.R. 4444
(Measure would link PNTR with progress in religious freedom)
September 7, 2000Excerpts: Senator Wellstone to Introduce Amendments to PNTR Bill
(Amendments to deal with religious freedom, human rights)
September 6, 2000Text: State Department Report on Religious Freedom in Macau
(Falun Gong practitioners continue without government interference)
September 5, 2000Text: State Department Report on Religious Freedom in Hong Kong
(Hong Kong enjoys autonomy in the area of religious freedom)
September 5, 2000Text: State Department Report on Religious Freedom in Taiwan
(Authorities generally protect religous freedom in full)
September 5, 2000Text: State Department Report on Religious Freedom in China
(Unregulated gatherings seen as challenge to authority)
September 5, 2000Text: Wellstone To Offer Religious Freedom Amendment to PNTR Bill
(Would deny China PNTR until religious freedoms protected)
July 27, 2000Excerpts: House Passes Resolution Condemning China's Arrest of Uighur
(Urges Beijing to permit Rabiya Kadeer to move to America)
July 24, 2000Text: Senator Wellstone Statement on PNTR for China
(Trade agreements should include human and labor rights)
July 19, 2000Text: Senator Helms Remarks on Implications of China PNTR
(United States should not look away from human rights abuses)
July 19, 2000Excerpts: Rep. Wolf Says China Won't Let U.S. Monitor Rights
(Backed failed bid to deny China annual NTR status)
July 18, 2000Transcript: Rep. Chris Smith Decries Persecution in China
(Smith backed failed bid to deny China annual NTR status)
July 18, 2000Text: House Panel Markup of Resolution on China's Rabiya Kadeer
(S. Con. Res. 81 tells China to release Kadeer)
June 28, 2000Text: Rep. Cox Criticizes Chinese Government's Treatment of Tibet
(Cox cites "intense repression" in Tibet)
June 26, 2000Text: State Department Coordinator for Tibet Testimony
(Calls for dialogue between Beijing and Dalai Lama)
June 13, 2000Text: PNTR Opponent Decries Child Labor, Slave Labor in China
(Rep. Sherrod Brown in House of Representatives)
May 18, 2000Text: S. 2574 Would Ban U.S. Firms From Exploiting Chinese Workers
(Torricelli bill introduced May 17)
May 17, 2000Transcript: Democrats in House Argue Against China PNTR
(Bonior says PNTR debate is about labor rights, environment)
May 16, 2000Text: House Democrat Gene Green Speaks Out Against China PNTR
(Economically right, morally wrong to give China PNTR)
May 11, 2000Text: Ways and Means Chairman Archer Releases Poll on China PNTR
(Archer: 67 percent say NTR will help China human rights)
May 10, 2000Transcript: Lawmakers Clash on China Trade Relations
(Armey touts trade deal, Brown rejects it)
May 9, 2000Transcript: Secretaries of State, Presidents on China Trade
(Clinton notes China democracy activists favor granting PNTR)
May 9, 2000Text: Rep. Levin Releases Draft Legislation on China Commission
(Commission would monitor compliance on rule of law issues)
May 8, 2000Text: Greenspan on Permanent Normal Trade Relations for China
(WTO strong vehicle to foster individual rights in China)
May 5, 2000Text: Rep. Chris Smith Says No PNTR for China
(Smith cites Beijing's abuses in press conference)
May 4, 2000Text: Rep. Frank Wolf Testimony at Ways and Means on China
(Scores China's religious persecution, human rights abuses)
May 3, 2000Text: Concurrent Resolution Regarding China, Uighur Prisoners
(S. Con. Res. 81 calls upon Chinese government to free Kadeer)
May 2, 2000Text: Representative Gephardt on China's Trade Status, WTO
(Democratic leader opposes permanent Normal Trade Relations)
April 19, 2000Transcript: Assistant Secretary Koh Remarks on China Rights Vote
(Discusses China no-action motion at U.N. rights commission)
April 18 2000Text: State Department on UN Decision on China Rights Resolution
(U.S. attains goal of highlighting China's human rights record)
April 18, 2000Text: Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues Taft Testimony
(Backs Dalai Lama's call for "genuine autonomy" for Tibet)
April 6, 2000Text: Senator Joseph Lieberman Praises China's Cardinal Kung
(Senator lauds Roman Catholic Cardinal March 30)
March 30, 2000Transcript: Amb. Seiple/Rabbi Saperstein on Religious Freedom
(Meeting with NGOs and press in Geneva)
March 30, 2000Text: Koh 3/30 Remarks to U.N. Commission on Human Rights
(Democracy includes right to peaceful democratic dissent)
March 30, 2000Text: Assistant Secretary Koh Geneva Press Briefing
(Koh: Human rights resolutions not confrontational)
March 28, 2000Text: Rep. Nancy Pelosi Says China Mustn't Escape Rights Scrutiny
(Mar. 23 Press Conference on China Human Rights and Geneva)
March 23, 2000Text: Senator Tim Hutchinson Condemns China Human Rights Record
(Urges President to personally back Geneva China Resolution)
March 23, 2000Text: Albright March 23 Address to UN Human Rights Commission
(Focuses on abuses in China, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Sudan)
March 23, 2000Text: Gilman on Taiwan President-elect Chen's Reconciliation Effort
(Committee chairman praises Taiwan's "democratic evolution")
March 23, 2000Transcript: Koh Briefing on U.N. Human Rights Commission Meeting
(U.S. concerned by "marked deterioration" in China human rights)
March 20, 2000Text: Senate Resolution 271 Calls for Geneva Resolution on China
(Wellstone resolution aims to avoid last year's failure)
March 9, 2000Excerpts: U.S. State Department 1999 Country Reports for East Asia
(Faults China, Burma, others on poor human rights record)
February 25, 20001999 Country Report On Human Rights Practices In China
(Government's poor human rights record deteriorated markedly throughout the year)
February 25, 2000Text: Introduction to 1999 Human Rights Reports
(Transnational networks seen key to future rights advances)
February 25, 2000Text: Rep. Christopher Smith on China Trade Relations
(China systematically violates human rights on massive scale)
February 16, 2000Text: U.S. to Sponsor China Resolution in Geneva
(56th Session UN Commission on Human Rights meets in March)
January 11, 2000
Text: Deputy Assistant Secretary Shirk Remarks to CSIS Conference
(Political reform is precondition for China modernization)
September 14, 1999Text: U.S. Marks Tenth Anniversary of Tiananmen Square Crackdown
(China urged to release demonstrators, account for dead)
June 4, 1999Text: House Resolution on Tiananmen 10 Year Anniversary
(House raps China for human rights abuses/Tiananmen)
May 25, 1999Text: Albright Statement on Key Votes at the UNCHR
(Albright regrets failure of China human rights resolution)
April 24, 1999Text: U.S. Disappointed by UNCHR Failure to Review China Rights
(Beijing uses "no-action motion" to stop U.S. resolution)
April 23, 1999Text: Amb. Nancy Rubin on China Human Rights Resolution
(It is time for China to implement Rights Covenant)
April 23, 1999Transcript: Clinton, Zhu Joint Press Conference
(Greater freedom, openness vital to improving China)
April 8, 1999Transcript: Albright, Zhu Remarks At State Department Luncheon
(Zhu visit opportunity to discuss issues that divide, unite)
April 8, 1999Text: President Clinton's Speech On U.S. Policy Toward China
(U.S. will "seek the truth from facts" on China)
April 7, 1999White House Briefing On Chinese Premier's Visit
(Zhu's visit is an opportunity for dialogue on many areas)
April 7, 1999State Dept. On 1999 U.S. China Resolution At U.N.
(U.S. to sponsor resolution on human rights situation)
March 26, 1999Special Coordinator For Tibetan Issues 3/11 Testimony
(U.S. urges China to engage in dialogue with Dalai Lama)
March 11, 1999House Concurrent Resolution 28 On China Rights Abuses
(Human Rights Subcommittee calls for resolution at Geneva)
March 2, 1999Transcript: Albright Press Conference In Beijing
(Engagement with China has helped progress on many issues)
March 2, 1999Transcript: Albright-Tang Joint Press Availability
(U.S., China share interest in stable, prosperous Asia)
March 1, 1999Transcript: Briefing By State Spokesman In Beijing
(James Rubin: Tough talk on human rights)
March 1, 1999Briefing By State Spokesman En Route To Beijing
(James Rubin: China going wrong way on human rights)
March 1, 19991998 Country Report On Human Rights Practices In China
(China human rights record deteriorated sharply in final months of 1998)
February 26, 1999Koh Remarks To House International Relations Panel
(Human rights one of our highest priorities for China)
January 20, 1999Taft Named Special Coordinator For Tibetan Issues
( Seeks to promote dialogue between China, Dalai Lama)
January 20, 1999Text: Rep. Gilman's Statement At Panel On China
(Committee Chairman rips China for rights abuses)
January 20, 1999Text: Rep. Smith Statement On China Rights Abuses
(Rep. Smith raps China, calls for tough U.S. response)
January 20, 1999Transcript: Koh Briefing On U.S.-China Rights Dialogue
(Human rights integral to U.S.-China relationship)
January 13, 1999Koh: "Candid," "Frank" U.S.-China Human Rights Talks End
(Some progress; another round of talks set for 1999)
January 13, 1999Albright Remarks on Anniversary Of U.S.-China Ties
(Peaceful political expression neither crime nor threat)
January 12, 1999State Department Hosts Human Rights Dialogue With China
(U.S. to raise concerns about human rights in China)
January 11, 1999HIRC Chairman On Human Rights Situation In China
(Gilman criticizes Administration's China policy)
January 8, 1999Rights Subcommittee Chair 1/8 On Human Rights In China
(Smith seeks honest dialogue with China on human rights)
January 8, 1999
Return to top
Strobe Talbott On China's Sentencing Of Rights Activists
(U.S. calls on Chinese Government to release all three)
December 21, 1998Remarks By U.S. Ambassador James Sasser
(U.S.-China relations: Twenty years and counting)
November 19, 1998Text: Albright Before Senate Finance Committee On China MFN
(Revoking MFN would rupture U.S.-China relationship)
July 9, 1998Text: USTR Barshefsky 7/9 Remarks On China MFN Status
(China MFN renewal would protect U.S. interests)
July 9, 1998Transcript: Final Clinton China Visit Press Conference
(U.S. must deal forcefully, but respectfully with China)
July 3, 1998Transcript: President Clinton On Future U.S.-Asia Relations
(Guided by nonproliferation, transparency, freedom)
July 3, 1998Transcript: Interview Of President Clinton By CCTV
("The world is not too small for two big countries")
July 1, 1998Transcript: Roundtable With Distinguished Women
(Women in China are doing all they can to build a new China.)
July 3, 1998Text: Albright Remarks At Shanghai Religious Roundtable
(Spiritual values help build, sustain societies)
July 1, 1998Text: First Lady's 7/1 Speech At Shanghai Library
(Women can hold up half the sky with freedom, justice)
July 1, 1998Transcript: Albright Remarks At Legal Assistance Roundtable
(U.S. offers to help develop China's legal code)
June 30, 1998Transcript: ABC Interview Of Secretary Of State Albright
(Self-expression, imagination best path to a stable China)
June 30, 1998Transcript: Clinton Remarks On Shanghai Radio Program
(Open discussions increase understanding between nations)
June 30, 1998Transcript: White House Briefing On Clinton Beijing Talks
(Prosperity, respect for personal freedom indivisible)
June 29, 1998Transcript: Kristoff, Bader, Roth, Shirk Press Briefing
(Kristoff: Summit shows what engagement really means)
June 29, 1998Transcript: President Clinton Remarks At Beijing University
(Personal freedom is mandate of new century, millenium)
June 29, 1998Transcript: First Lady, Albright At Legal Research Center
(U.S. will work with China to strengthen rule of law)
June 29, 1998Transcript: President Presents Books To Beijing University
(Partnership with new China large part of U.S. future)
June 29, 1998Fact Sheet: Achievements Of U.S.-China Summit
(Beijing Summit agreements build on October 1997 Summit)
June 27, 1998Transcript: Presidents Clinton, Jiang Press Availability
("China and the United States must go forward on the right side of history")
June 27, 1998Transcript: Clinton Remarks To Press On Arrest Of Dissidents
(Arrest of dissidents shows China "looking backward")
June 26, 1998Transcript: Xian Press Briefing By Mccurry, Berger
(Human rights high priority for Clinton-Jiang meetings)
June 26, 1998Text: President's Remarks To People Of Village Of Xiahe
(Local democracy building a brighter future for China)
June 26, 1998Transcript: President, First Lady Talk To Xian Area Residents
(Important to know how policy affects ordinary people)
June 26, 1998Transcript: President On China At Elmendorf Air Force Base
(One China human rights goal: "making a difference")
June 24, 1998Transcript: Interview Of The President With Radio Free Asia
(Believes China trip will make progress in many areas)
June 24, 1998Transcript: Clinton Q&Amp;A With Reporters On China Visit
(Calls Radio Free Asia interview proof "ideas do not need visas")
June 24, 1998Text: Shattuck Testimony On Chinese Organ Harvesting
(U.S. urges China to enforce organ transplant laws)
June 16, 1998Text: Remarks By President Clinton On U.S.-China Relations
(Expanding cooperation, dealing directly with differences)
June 11, 1998Text: Resolution On Clinton's Proposed Tiananmen Visit
(H. Con. Res. 285 asks President to reconsider visit)
June 4, 1998Text: House Resolution On Human Rights In China
(House resolution critical of China human rights)
March 17, 1998Text: Senate Resolution On Human Rights In China
(Foreign Relations panel passes China rights resolution)
March 11, 1998China Country Report On Human Rights Practices For 1997
(Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor)
January 30, 1998Taiwan Report On Human Rights Practices For 1997
(Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor)
January 30, 1998Hong Kong Report On Human Rights Practices For 1997
(Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor)
January 30, 1998
Return to top
Text: Craig Testimony On U.S. Policy Toward Tibet
(U.S. urges respect for Tibetan traditions)
November 6, 1997Text: U.S. Consul General Boucher Asia Foundation Remarks
(U.S. supports democratic development in Hong Kong)
November 6, 1997Text: Boucher Remarks To New York Bar Assn.
(U.S. urges open, representative government in Hong Kong)
October 23, 1997Text: Treasury Secretary Rubin Remarks In Beijing
(Economic success depends on rule of law, transparency)
September 25, 1997Text: Customs Chief On U.S.-China Prison Labor Agreements
(Recent improvements, but process not satisfactory)
May 21, 1997Text: Treasury Official On U.S.-China Prison Labor Agreements
(Approach to Beijing is one of diplomatic persistence)
May 21, 1997Text: DAS Bader On U.S.-China Prison Labor Agreements
(MOU prohibits importation of prison labor goods)
May 21, 1997Text: Rep. Pelosi Remarks On MFN For China
(Policy of "constructive engagement" not sustainable)
May 21, 1997Text: DAS Bader 5/13 Testimony On U.S. Policy Toward Tibet
(China should respect Tibetan culture, human rights)
May 13, 1997Text: Sen. Helms Statement On U.S. Policy Toward Tibet
(Helms calls for appointment of Special Envoy to Tibet)
May 13, 1997Text: White House Statement On UNHRC Vote On China
(Human rights "the legitimate concern of all mankind")
April 15, 1997Text: Shattuck Statement On China's No Action Motion
(Rights commission should vote "no" on No Action Motion)
April 15, 1997Text: Burns On China Resolution At UN Human Rights Commission
(State Spokesman asks UNHRC members to take a stand)
April 14, 1997Text: U.S. Consul General Boucher Remarks On Hong Kong's Future
(Transition working, but U.S. has "serious concerns")
February 27, 1997Text: Tarnoff China Speech To Council On Foreign Relations
("Building a New Consensus on China")
February 20, 1997Shattuck: Annual Reports Deepen Dialogue On Human Rights
(House International Affairs Committee testimony)
January 31, 1997Text: Summary Of State Department Human Rights Report On China
(Latest report says China still "authoritarian state")
January 30, 1997China Country Report On Human Rights Practices For 1996
(Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor)
January 30, 1997Taiwan Report On Human Rights Practices For 1996
(Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor)
January 30, 1997Hong Kong Report On Human Rights Practices For 1996
(Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor)
January 30, 1997
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