Text: Lawmaker Hails 23rd Anniversary of Taiwan Relations Act
(Cites formation of Congressional Taiwan Caucus)
April 10, 2002Text: Taiwan -- Observer Status at 2002 World Health Assembly
(State Department statement)
March 20, 2002Text: Senate Endorses Observer Status for Taiwan at Health Meeting
(World Health Assembly to take place in May in Geneva)
March 19, 2002Text: Statement on Taiwan's Defense Minister's U.S. Visit
(State Department briefing -- taken question on Tang Yiao-ming)
March 11, 2002Excerpt: Taiwan Generally Respects Rights of Citizens, Report Says
(State Department report on human rights practices in 2001)
March 4, 2002Text: Commerce Secretary Congratulates Taiwan on WTO Membership
(Commerce Department news release)
January 2, 2002Text: Gilman Hails Award for Taiwan's Vice President Annette Lu
(Lawmaker praises Lu's efforts to resolve tensions with China)
November 29, 2001Text: Congressman Congratulates Taiwan's Vice President on Prize
(Leach praises Lu for her commitment to democracy)
November 28, 2001Text: USTR Zoellick Welcomes Taiwan Accession to WTO
(Says Taiwan membership will strengthen global trading system)
November 11, 2001Transcript: USTR's Bader on Accession to WTO by China, Taiwan
(Implementing commitments requires great effort, he says)
November 10, 2001Text: Agriculture Secretary Veneman on China, Taiwan in WTO
(Sees more agriculture trade with lowered trade barriers)
November 10, 2001Text: Taiwan - Sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles
(State Department statement)
November 1, 2001Text: U.S. Hails Completion of Conditions for Taiwan's WTO Entry
(USTR Zoellick statement on Taiwan and WTO)
September 18, 2001Text: Resolution Calls For Peaceful Settlement of Taiwan Issue
(H. Con. Res. 221 introduced by Rep. Wexler)
September 6, 2001Texts: Lawmakers Back Taiwan's Effort to Return to United Nations
(Speeches made by Reps. Peter King and Gary Ackerman)
September 6, 2001Text: Representative Henry Hyde's Speech in Taipei
(Suggests Taiwan may "hold the key to China's destiny")
August 24, 2001Text: Motion Backs Taiwan's Membership in International Bodies
(H. Res. 221 says Taiwan deserves full membership in UN)
August 2, 2001Text: Amendment Proposed Regarding 2002 World Health Assembly
(H.R. 2739 obliges U.S. to aid Taiwan gain observer status)
August 2, 2001Text: Hyde Sees Beijing 2008 Olympics as Beneficial for Taiwan
(Statement of House International Relations Chairman)
July 13, 2001Excerpt: Assistant Secretary of State Testimony Before House Subcommittee
(Discusses need for "productive," "forward-looking" U.S.-China relationship)
June 12, 2001 Text: Baucus Suggests Free Trade Deal With Taiwan
(Urges talks between Taiwan's Chen Shui-bian and China's Jiang Zemin)
May 22, 2001Text: House Passes Sense of Congress Welcoming Chen Shui-Bian
(H. Con. Res. 135 hails ties between Taiwan, United States)
May 17, 2001Text: Senators Offer Resolution Welcoming Chen Shui-bian to U.S.
(S. Res. 89 cites Taiwan's friendship and democracy)
May 15, 2001Text: Biden Says U.S. Not Obligated to Defend Taiwan With Force
(Biden's speech stresses nuances of China policy)
April 26, 2001Text: Kerry Says U.S. Not Obligated to Defend Taiwan from Attacks
(Sen. Kerry's speech on President Bush's remarks)
April 25, 2001Text: Senator McConnell Speech on Arms Sales to Taiwan
(Urges Beijing to renounce use of force against Taiwan)
April 24, 2001Text: House Passes Taiwan-World Health Organization Bill 407-0
(H.R. 428 passes in roll call vote)
April 24, 2001Text: Majority Whip Delay Statement on Weapons Sales to Taiwan
(Praises Bush, says U.S. can "ensure peace through strength")
April 24, 2001Text: House Leader Gephardt Statement on the Taiwan Arms Sales
(Has "serious questions" about denying Taiwan Aegis)
April 23, 2001Text: Taiwan - Interagency Process on Arms Sales
(State Department statement regarding question taken April 16)
April 17, 2001Byliner: Senator Torricelli on Selling Aegis Destroyers to Taiwan
(Sales would dissuade China from using force against Taiwan)
April 8, 2001Excerpt: Admiral Blair Says China Could Hurt But Not Hold Taiwan
(Testimony to Senate Armed Services Committee)
March 27, 2001Transcript: Bush-Qian Photo Opportunity
(Bush stresses U.S. obligations under Taiwan Relations Act)
March 22, 2001Text: House Introduces Resolution Supporting Taiwan Relations Act
(U.S. should approve sale of defensive weapons systems)
March 20, 2001Text: Sen. Baucus Offers "Contours of a Bipartisan China Policy"
(Cites need for U.S. policy toward Taiwan to evolve)
February 27, 2001 2000 Report on Human Rights Practices: Taiwan
(Authorities generally respect rights; but problems remain)
February 26, 2001 Text: Senator Lugar Urges Strategic Dialogue Between U.S., China
(Keynote speech at Hudson Institute international conference)
January 11, 2001 Byliner: Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Helms on China
(Senator Helms urges tougher policy toward China)
January 9, 2001 Text: Pentagon Report on Implementation of Taiwan Relations Act
(U.S. reaffirms commitment to Taiwan's defensive capability)
December 19, 2000 Text: Congress Says Taiwan Deserves Meaningful Representation at UN
(Senate passes House Concurrent Resolution 390 on Taiwan)
October 19, 2000 Excerpt: Senator Kyl Offers Amendment to H.R. 4444 on Taiwan, WTO
(China, Taiwan would be separate customs territories)
September 11, 2000 Text: State Department Report on Religious Freedom in Taiwan
(Authorities generally protect religous freedom in full)
September 5, 2000 Text: Rohrabacher Criticizes "Quarantine" of Taiwan's President
(Letter to State's Roth on Chen's transit visa)
August 11, 2000 Text: Transportation Secretary's Taipei Remarks on Globalization
(Promotes new global "transportation policy architecture")
June 14, 2000 Text: Department of Transportation Release on Upcoming Taiwan Visit
(Secretary of Transportation to visit Taiwan June 14 - 15)
June 9, 2000 Text: Defense to Sell Taipei Countermeasure Equipment
(Will boost capacity of Taiwan's F-16s)
June 7, 2000 Text: AIT Director Burghardt Speech to Sino-American Conference
(Time for China, Taiwan to "reconcile ideologies with action")
May 29, 2000 Excerpts: PNTR Opponents Want Taiwan Security Amendment to Bill
(If China invades or blockades Taiwan it would lose PNTR)
May 19, 2000 Text: Sen. Craig Thomas on Taiwan Security Enhancement Act
(Thomas opposes Act, says China is changing for the better)
May 9, 2000 Text: Senator Helms Statement on Weapons Sales to Taiwan
(Claims U.S. defense package for Taiwan "wholly inadequate")
April 18, 2000 Text: Senator Helms Statement on Taiwan Defense Requests Denial
(Says rejection shows need for Taiwan Security Enhancement Act)
April 17, 2000 Text: American Institute in Taiwan Director on Election, Peace
(New Taiwan presidency opportunity for restored cooperation)
March 29, 2000 Text: Senate Approves March 28 Resolution on Taiwan Elections
(Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott introduced resolution)
March 28, 2000 Text: House Concurrent Resolution 292 on Taiwan Elections
(House cheers Taiwan election, chides Chinese threats)
March 28, 2000 Text: Representative Gilman Praises Taiwan's "Courageous Democracy"
(Chides Beijing for "misguided attempts" to intimidate Taiwan)
March 28, 2000 Text: Senator Baucus Speech on China Trade Status, Taiwan Security
(Annual NTR review no help for China rights, Taiwan security)
March 27, 2000 Transcript: Bangkok Press Roundtable with Assistant Secretary Roth
(Says Beijing being pragmatic over Taiwan elections)
March 24, 2000 Text: Baucus' Remarks to Senate Finance Committee Hearing on China
(Warns against linking PNTR, Taiwan Security Enhancement Act)
March 23, 2000 Text: Gilman on Taiwan President-elect Chen's Reconciliation Effort
(Committee chairman praises Taiwan's "democratic evolution")
March 23, 2000 Text: Senator Murkowski Calls Chen Election a Victory for Democracy
(Alaska Senator Mar. 22 on Taiwan elections and China PNTR)
March 22, 2000 Text: President Congratulates Chen Shui-bian on Taiwan Election
(New opportunity for China, Taiwan to resolve differences)
March 18, 2000 Text: House Majority Whip DeLay Speech on U.S. Foreign Policy
(Urges tough policy toward Beijing/support for Taiwan)
March 16, 2000 Text: House International Relations Chairman on Taiwan, China Threats
("These threats are unacceptable," Gilman says)
March 15, 2000 Transcript: Defense Secretary Cohen CNN Interview in Hong Kong
(Cohen: Taiwan's Aegis destroyers request under review)
March 10, 2000 Text: 1999 Narcotics Report on the Asia-Pacific Region
(Explanation Statement and Report on Taiwan)
March 1, 2000 Text: Chairmen Helms, Gilman Statements on Threats Against Taiwan
(Congressional foreign affairs leaders "deeply concerned")
February 22, 2000 Text: Gilman on Taiwan Security Enhancement Act, H.R. 1838
(Urges Administration to "rethink its opposition" to act)
February 1, 2000 Text: AIT Director Burghardt Dec. 17 on Asia-Pacific Security
(Taiwan's defense is part of U.S. security role in region)
December 17, 1999 Text: Commerce Secretary Daley on Taiwan Trade, WTO Membership
(U.S. looking forward to Taiwan's entry into WTO)
November 19, 1999 Text: USAID Activates Rescue Teams for Taiwan Earthquake Relief
(USAID to fund $2.3 million in transportation and equipment)
September 21, 1999 Text: Statement by the President on Taiwan Earthquake
(U.S. in touch with Taiwan concerning assistance needs)
September 21, 1999 Text: Deputy Assistant Secretary Shirk Remarks on Taiwan Policy
(New Taiwan bill could fuel Taiwan Strait arms race)
September 15, 1999 Text: Deputy Assistant Secretary Campbell Remarks on Taiwan Policy
(U.S. to continue to support Taiwan defense)
September 15, 1999 Text: Assistant Secretary Roth on Taiwan Security Bill
(S. 693 could have "unintended negative consequences")
August 4, 1999 Text: Defense's Campbell on Taiwan Security Enhancement Act
(Calls bill "unnecessary" and "counterproductive")
August 4, 1999 Text: Senator Helms Statement on Taiwan Security Enhancement Act
(Helms urges U.S. support to help cope with China threat)
August 4, 1999 Text: S. 693 Taiwan Security Enhancement Act
(Bill seeks to maintain Taiwan's self-defense capability)
August 4, 1999 Text: Albright Remarks to Sixth ASEAN Regional Forum
(America's relationship with China key to Asia Pacific's future)
July 26, 1999 Albright ASEAN Regional Forum Press Conference
(Reiterates "strong commitment to a one China policy")
July 25, 1999 Statement by AIT Chairman Richard Bush
("One-China" principle is cornerstone of U.S. policy)
July 25, 1999 Clinton Cautions Taiwan, China to Resolve Differences Peacefully
("I think that no one should contemplate force")
July 21, 1999 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Remarks on Taiwan
(Helms calls Taiwan "de facto sovereign state")
July 21, 1999 House Panel Forwards Bill on Taiwan Participation in Who
(H.R. 1794 marked up and sent to full committee)
June, 1999 Text: Das Susan Shirk Testimony on Taiwan Relations Act at 20
(U.S. as contributor to peaceful resolution, not mediator)
April 14, 1999 Text: Das Campbell on Taiwan Strait Security Situation
(U.S. China policy key to preserving peace in Asia-Pacific)
April 14, 1999 A/S Kramer Remarks on Security in the Taiwan Strait
(U.S. China policy integral to regional stability)
March 25, 1999 Assistant Secretary Roth Senate Testimony on U.S.-Taiwan Relations
(Taiwan issue is for PRC, Taiwan to resolve -- peacefully)
March 25, 1999 Senator Murkowski Statement on Taiwan Resolutions
(Resolutions look to realize U.S. commitment to Taiwan)
March 25, 1999 Roth Remarks on Taiwan Relations Act
(Act has been very effective over the past 20 years)
March 24, 1999 Defense Dept. Report on Security in the Taiwan Strait
(Situation remains calm, with no threat of imminent hostilities)
February 26, 1999 Transcript: Mccurry, Daley, Brainard Press Briefing
(Taiwan statements reiterate longstanding policy)
June 30, 1998 Text: Das Susan Shirk on U.S.-Taiwan Relations
(Relations with China, Taiwan not a zero-sum game)
May 20, 1998
Text: Foreign Trade Barriers in Taiwan
(USTR 1998 Foreign Trade Barriers Report)
April 1, 1998 Transcript: DUSTR Fisher Beijing Press Conference
(Taiwan WTO accession not dependent on China)
March 11, 1998
Text: Sen. Murkowski in Congressional Record on Taiwan WTO Entry
(Congratulates Taiwan for commitment to WTO principles)
March 9, 1998
Text: Drug Certification Statement of Explanation for Taiwan
(Taiwan remains a transit point for drugs)
February 26, 1998
U.S., Taiwan Conclude Comprehensive Market Access Accord
(Measures necessary for Taiwan's accession to WTO)
February 20, 1998
Fact Sheet: U.S.-Taiwan Market Access Agreement
(Taiwan agrees to support APEC sectoral initiatives)
February 20, 1998
Taiwan Report on Human Rights Practices for 1997
(Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor)
January 30, 1998
Text: International Narcotics Report -- Taiwan
(U.S.-Taiwan law enforcement cooperation expanded in 1996)
March 3, 1997
Text: DOT Announcement on U.S.-Taiwan Open Skies Agreement
(AIT and TECRO reach agreement on text)
February 28, 1997
Taiwan Report on Human Rights Practices For
(Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor)
January 30, 1997
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