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什乡��������顦� (����������羡����塦�塦�顦��/font>�������������顦�工佡�������������<Handbook
of Independent Journalism>) |
����羡����塦������覡����〡� |
(The Media: Influencing Foreign Policy in the
Information Age)(From:
The Making of U.S. Foreign Policy,
U.S. Dept. of State
E-Journal March 2000. |
The Pulitzer Prizes:
���塦�伦毡�亡�诡�论塦��顡�Columbia Journalism Review)����価����������塦 80年桦�硦���������桦�桦����� |
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����羡����塦������覡����〡� |
An Unfettered Press
-- 羡����塦�顦�塦�硦������ |
A�A Free Press: Rights and ResponsibilitiesA� Dept. of State |
Freedom of Speech and Press: Exceptions to the First Amendment
Overview of the major exceptions to the First Amendment of the
Constitution. |
���顦�塦佡� |
Media & Ethics--
羡����塦�塦�顦�硦�塦��������2001幡����� |
(1) ����媡�佡�A�羡����桦�䡦����笡������������� |
(2) ����为䡦乡�氡�主顦�覡�谡����性桦�顦�桦�塦���� |
(3) ����媡�佡����������建设ä¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ä½¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½
(4) ����媡�佡���������両�����德塦���������� |
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�������������衦��工䡦������������ (Handbook
of Independent Journalism)羡����������������塦�硦������ |
Emerging) 羡����������������顦�塦��������2006幡����� |
���纸��������计��� 両��������� |
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羡����䡦���ä¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ä»¡ï¿½ |
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���顦��信桦�������硦������类逡�颡�����両��������� |
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羡����塦������毡����衦���䡦信桦����� |
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Publications. Special publications on a variety of issues. |
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international experts, with focus on U.S. Foreign Policy, Economics,
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Washington File.
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