AJR NewsLink
American Journalism Review site containing links to 4,000
national, local, and international newspapers, magazines, and
television and radio broadcasts.
American News Service
A nonprofit service, free to news/media organizations, publishing eight feature
articles a month on innovations in public problem solving; articles are distributed by
e-mail, fax, and mail
American Press
industry executives and managers from around the world come to API's
renowned seminars to share their expertise and learn from one
another's experiences.
American Society of Newspaper
Directing editors of daily newspapers and
editors of major sources of news for daily newspapers throughout the
Americas are eligible for membership.
Over 17,000 categorized information links.
Editor & Publisher's MediaINFO
An online media directory that includes a database of all media--associations,
magazines, newspapers, news services, radio, and television stations with a Web presence
Electronic Journalist:
an online-service of the Society of Professional Journalists,
offers media news, workshop and convention information, and so on.
Journalism resources and education.
News Service
Makes available transcripts of U.S. government briefings, hearings, and press
conferences on a subscription basis; free searches and headline retrieval
Free e-mail delivery of news headlines and summaries filtered to
meet subscriber's requests; includes Web links to the full-text
stories for in-depth information.
Center for Journalist (ICFJ)
Electronic source for the latest on media developments in Central & Eastern Europe,
the Baltics and the Balkans, the Newly Independent States and Eurasia, Latin America and
Library of Congress Newspaper
and Current Periodical Reading Room
A portal to international news sources available via the
Media Central
News and information for media professionals
MSNBC TV Citizen Journalists
MSNBC has set up an online network to
report on the stories that touch our lives.
National Association of
An US trade association that advocates on
behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations
and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal
Communications Commission and the Courts.
National Newspaper
Established in 1885, the National Newspaper
Association (NNA) is the national voice of community newspapers.
The National Press Club
Contains links to news services and
directories selected by professional journalists.
New American Media
New America Media is a nationwide
association of over 700 ethnic media organizations representing the
development of a more inclusive journalism.
Identifies news resources that are searchable, reliable, and free
Newseum: The Interactive
Museum of News
The only interactive museum of news.
A non-profit dedicated to improving the
quality of local television news.
Newspaper Association of
Provides information on the newspaper industry in the U.S. and
links to major and regional newspapers in America.
Online News Association
The Online News Association was founded in
1999 by several working members of the online press.
Poynter Online
An extensive list of online
resources, bibliographies, and other information relevant to
journalists as prepared by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies.
Radio-Television News
Directors Association
RTNDA, is made up of more
than 3,000 news directors, news associates, educators and students.
The Reporters Committee for
Freedom of the Press
Non-profit organization which provides information and the latest
developments in the media and the law.
The Ultimate Collection of News Links
Over 7,000 links to newspapers and magazines around the world
Unity: Journalists of Color, Inc.
Representing more than 7000 journalists of
color, |