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关于 InfoUSA

InfoUSA 中文版是您的美国信息数字图书馆。


InfoUSA 中文版,可以与因特网联机使用,亦可单机使用。如果是在因特网联机的环境,本光盘有选择地提供了相关网站链接,并可通过这些链接进一步探索各种有关美国的信息资源。对于没有因特网联机的使用者来说,光盘本身提供了美国社会、政治、文化等重要文件或文章的全文。

Information USA 是由美国国务院所制作。

The InfoUSA Chinese-Language DVD:  Your One-Stop Digital Library for Information about the United States in Chinese.

The information in this DVD is based on authoritative resources from the Bureau of International Information Programs at the U.S. Department of State.  The DVD provides a wealth of information on U.S. society, politics,  culture, and economics.  InfoUSA aims to promote understanding of the principles and institutions that shape American values, and of the peoples who have come together to make up the United States.

The InfoUSA Chinese-Language DVD can be used with or without an Internet connection.  Used with the Internet, InfoUSA provides extensive hyperlinks to selected sites and resources.  For users who do not have access to the Internet, the DVD itself provides the full text of significant documents on American culture, social and political institutions and processes. 

The InfoUSA Chinese DVD is produced by the the U.S. Department of State.



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