• Have
a crisis plan.
• In
a time of crisis,
go public immediately,
but only with
what you know.
• Get
top management
to the crisis
• Inform
your internal
• Update
frequently and
regularly. |
• Before
a Crisis
• During
a Crisis
• After
a Crisis
A crisis is an event
that occurs suddenly,
often unexpectedly,
and demands a quick
response. A crisis
interferes with normal
routines and creates
uncertainty and stress.
A crisis can be a natural
event, such as an earthquake
or a hurricane, or
it can be man-made,
such as an explosion,
a scandal, or a conflict.
Ultimately, it can
threaten the reputation
of a top official and
an organization. A
well-managed crisis,
however, can not only
preserve reputations
and credibility but
can also enhance them.
The key to effective
crisis communication
is to be prepared before
a crisis occurs. Once
an emergency happens,
there is little time
to think much less
to plan. Without a
crisis plan, you can
be overwhelmed by events.
"Good crisis
communications is based
on a system already
in place," says
former White House
press secretary Marlin
Fitzwater. "When
there is a crisis,
you just tighten it
up and make it better.
If you routinely had
a daily press briefing,
you would tighten it
up and make it three
times a day. A crisis
is no time to design
a new system."
In a crisis, the best
course of action is
to be forthcoming and
honest and to do what
it takes to facilitate
stories. The media
are going to write
and air stories with
or without your help.
It's in your best interest
to participate in a
story — even
a negative one — in
order to have your
position correctly
represented. The alternative
is for the media to
write that a government
official "would
not respond to our
inquiries," which
only fuels suspicions
and rumors.
"In a crisis,
bring all the key players
into a room and get
the facts straight.
Never tell more than
you know, don't freelance
what you think, and
constantly update reporters," says
Susan King, spokesperson
at two federal departments
during the Clinton
administration. "Reporters
have to get information,
and if you don't give
them anything, they
will report rumors."
a Crisis
- Maintain trustworthy,
credible relationships
with the media all
of the time. If you
do, the media will
be less suspicious
and more cooperative
in the midst of a
- Select someone
to be the crisis
- Have the crisis
manager collect information
on potentially troublesome
issues and trends.
Evaluate them, gather
data on them, and
develop communications
strategies to prevent
or redirect their
- Identify members
of a possible crisis
management team.
Have in place their
roles, actions to
be taken, and possible
scenarios. Have a
list of their office,
home, and cell or
mobile phone numbers.
Also have copies
of their biographies.
In a crisis, the
press may want to
know the backgrounds
of those dealing
with it.
- Give designated
spokespersons training
in dealing with the
- Determine the message,
target, and media
outlets that could
be used in various
crisis plans.
- Have a list of
the office, home,
and cell or mobile
phone numbers and
deadlines of reporters
who might cover your
organization in a
- Have a plan for
setting up a media
crisis center. This
should cover such
items as desks, chairs,
phones, parking,
electrical outlets,
placement of satellite
trucks, copy machines,
even coffee. You
also need to think
about how to keep
an office secure,
particularly for
your own staff.
a Crisis
- When a crisis hits,
immediately get the
word to the press.
Otherwise, the media
will get their information
through other means.
- Set up a 24-hour
crisis and media
center at a central
place from which
news is released,
rumors dealt with,
facts gathered, and
briefings held.
- Immediately "go
public" with
a trained spokesperson
at the scene to conduct
press briefings.
Let the media — and
therefore the public — know
that you are dealing
with the situation.
- Say what you know
and only what you
know. Don't speculate.
Don't be bullied
into saying anything
based on rumor. If
you don't know something,
admit it. Saying "the
matter is under investigation" may
be the best response.
- Gather information
as quickly as possible.
Determine the basic
who, what, when,
where and how. You
might not get the "why" until
- Get the government
or agency leader
and other top management
to the crisis center.
Cancel other plans.
People want to see
the leader, not just
the public affairs
staff. Having top
management in front
of the press during
a crisis lends credibility
and shows that the
organization is not
treating the situation
- Inform your internal
audiences — the
staff and other government
offices — at
the same time you
inform the press.
If the press is the
only source of information
for the staff, morale
can be damaged and
employees can become
confused and hurt,
especially if the
incident is reported
inaccurately in the
press. Because of
where they work,
the staff will be
viewed as sources
of information, and
they can be the origin
of leaks and rumors.
Be sure they have
it right.
- Communicate with
your internal audiences
by e-mail, if available,
or through press
releases and statements
delivered to each
office. If the staff
is small enough,
call a meeting at
which members of
the crisis team are
available to answer
staff questions.
- Maintain a calm,
gracious, and helpful
presence. Avoid appearing
flustered or overwhelmed.
- Pre-empt negative
publicity and communicate
the actions being
taken to solve the
crisis. Verify news
before releasing
- Arrange for media
access to the scene
of the crisis, if
at all possible.
TV wants pictures.
If there are space
constraints, use
press pool reports,
with a representative
of each type of media — wire
service, newspaper,
TV, radio, magazine,
and photography — at
the scene, writing
up a report and taking
pictures for their
colleagues. No one
may use these reports,
including those in
the pool, until they
have been distributed
to everyone.
- Take care of the
practical needs of
the press, such as
parking, phones,
electrical outlets,
desks, and chairs.
- Keep a log of reporters
who have called,
what they asked,
their deadlines,
what you promised,
and to whom it was
- Always return phone
calls. If you don't,
reporters will look
elsewhere for information.
They will write a
story with or without
your help. Being
nonresponsive takes
control of a story
away from you.
- Simple sympathetic
gestures can help
rebuild the public's
confidence. Offer
reassurance. Tell
what actions are
being taken to solve
the problem, to help
those affected, and
to return things
to normal. But first
make sure you are
doing what you say
you are doing.
- Make sure the press
spokesperson is involved
with senior management
in every decision
and policy made.
Every decision has
a public ramification,
whether management
recognizes it or
- Avoid fixing blame.
That can be done
after an investigation.
- Appeal to third-party
endorsements for
your efforts. Get
credible people who
have been through
similar experiences
and command the public's
attention to speak
on your behalf.
- Update information
frequently and regularly.
Announce when your
next update will
- Monitor media reports
and correct errors
- Establish a Web
site to inform people
about the status
of the situation.
Put all news releases,
statements, fact
sheets, and links
to other information
on the site.
- Establish an assessment
group to study the
problem and to prevent
future occurrences.
This is not for show;
they should have
real power.
- Remember: openness
and responsiveness
during a crisis enhances
your respect and
credibility with
the media. It can
help you in the long
a Crisis
- Evaluate the effectiveness
of the crisis plan
and how people responded.
- Correct problems
so they don't happen