Living Documents of American History
- 第’次’陸’議 (The Second Continental Congress)
’立’言 (The
Declaration of Independence)
- 維’尼’議’ (The Virginia Assembly)
維’尼’’’’’ (The Virginia Bill of Rights)
- 維’尼’議’ (The Virginia Assembly)
維’尼’’教’由’’ (The Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty)
- 邦’議’ (The Congress of the Confederation)
’’’域’’ (The Northwest Ordinance)
- ’憲’議 (The Constitutional Convention)
’國憲’ (The Constitution of the United States)
-- ’’’’ (The Bill of Rights)
-- ’’憲’’正’ (Amendments to the Constitution)
- ’’’’’ (William Cushing)
(Opinion in the Case of Quock Walker VS. Nathaniel Jennison)
- 詹’斯’麥’遜 (James Madison)
’’邦’’’文集’第’號 (Federalist Paper No.10)
- 喬’’華盛’ (George Washington)
’’詞 (Farewell Address)
- 湯瑪斯’傑’遜 (Thomas Jefferson)
首任’統’職’講詞 (First Inaugural Address)
- 詹’斯’’羅 (James Monroe)
’羅’’ (The Monroe Doctrine)
- ’尼爾’’’斯’ (Daniel Webster)
’答羅’’’’ (Second Reply to Robert Hayne)
- ’’’’傑’遜 (Andrew Jackson)
對’’羅’’’民’公’’爾’舒’’ ’由’平等’’
(Proclamation to the People of South Carolina)
- ’’’’’’’ (Abraham Lincoln)
首任’統’職’講詞 (First Inaugural Address)
- ’’’’’’’ (Abraham Lincoln)
解’奴隸公’ (The Emancipation Proclamation)
- ’’’’’’’ (Abraham Lincoln)
’’堡’講詞 (The Gettysburg Address)
- ’’’’’’’ (Abraham Lincoln)
’任’統’職’講詞 (Second Inaugural Address)
- 錫奧’’羅斯福 (Theodore Roosevelt)
’’資源’’’ (The
Conservation of Natural Resources)
- 伍’’’’爾遜 (Woodrow Wilson)
首任’統’職’講詞 (First Inaugural Address)
- 伍’’’’爾遜 (Woodrow Wilson)
’’’’劃 (The Fourteen Points)
- ’蘭’’’羅斯福 (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
’’’由 (The Four
- ’’’憲章 (The Atlantic Charter)
- ’瑞’’’’ (Harry Truman)
’’’’’ (The Truman Doctrine)
- ’瑞’’’’ (Harry Truman)
第’’’劃 (The Point Four Program)
- ’’’’’森豪 (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
原’’’’平’務 (Atoms for Peace)
- 厄爾’’’ (Earl Warren)
(Opinion in the Case of Brown VS. Board of Education of Topeka)
- ’翰’甘’’ (John F. Kennedy)
’職’講詞 (Inaugural Address)
- ’翰’甘’’ (John F. Kennedy)
’’國’學’’講詞 (American University Speech)
- 馬’’路’’’’ (Martin Luther King)
我有’個夢’ (I Have a Dream)
- ’’’詹森 (Lyndon B. Johnson)
民’公’ (Civil
Rights Statement)
- 尼爾’’’斯壯’’’溫’奧爾’’’邁’爾’’’斯
(Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins)
(Address Before the Congress Following the Moon Landing)