
(General Dwight D. Eisenhower)

西西里的艱苦勝利讓美國民眾更加喜愛巴頓將軍,但也讓這位偉大的司令官瀕臨崩潰。1943年8月,當巴頓將軍面對無外傷卻承受「戰鬥疲乏」的住院軍人時,他曾兩度失控。他指控這兩位軍人為懦夫並用手套毆打其中一人的嘴、威脅要槍殺另一人。聽到醫師及醫務人員的投訴後,艾森豪將軍 (General
Dwight D. Eisenhower:後來成為美國總統) 要求巴頓提出解釋並表示如報告屬實,他需提出道歉。巴頓向那兩名軍人、醫務人員及他的軍團表示抱歉,但當事件公開後,要求將巴頓將軍免職的聲音卻越來越大。最後,艾森豪將軍接受了巴頓的道歉,而巴頓也在稍後的法國及德國戰役中,帶領他的軍隊獲得戲劇性的勝利。
The hard-fought victory in Sicily increased Patton's popularity at home in the United States, but may have stressed the great commander to the breaking point. Twice, in August 1943, Patton lost his temper when he encountered hospitalized soldiers who, while not physically wounded, were suffering from battle fatigue (stress). He accused both soldiers of cowardice, struck one across the mouth with his glove, and threatened to have the other shot. When doctors and hospital staff complained, General Dwight D. Eisenhower (later to be President of the United States) asked Patton for an explanation and directed him to apologize if reports of the incidents were true. Patton apologized to both men, the hospital staff, and his divisions, but when the incidents became public there were loud cries for Patton's removal. In the end, General Eisenhower accepted Patton's apologies and Patton went on lead his troops to dramatic victories in France and Germany later in the war.
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