

生於一個光榮的軍事世家的喬治史密斯巴頓二世 (George
S. Patton Jr.) 是坦克戰爭的先鋒,而且是二次世界大戰中,最知名且最有效率的美國將軍。身為傑出的戰場司令官及激勵人心且經驗豐富的領袖,巴頓因其果斷、堅定的性格而深受他手下的將領敬重。二次世界大戰時,巴頓率領美軍出入北非的荒漠、西西里的野外及歐洲的平原,參與了一系列的戰役並取得決定性的勝利。令人感到諷刺的是,這位經歷過兩次世界大戰的偉大戰士,卻在功成名就時,死於車禍。
Born into a proud military tradition, George S. Patton Jr. was a pioneer in tank warfare and one of the best known and most effective American generals of World War II. A brilliant battlefield commander and inspiring and colorful leader, Patton was admired by his troops for his great determination. In a series of masterful campaigns, Patton led American forces in World War II to decisive victories in the deserts of North Africa, the fields of Sicily and the plains of Europe. Ironically, this great warrior fought and survived the heat of battle in two world wars, only to die in a traffic accident at the height of his fame and accomplishment.
