Washington Hyper File

Department of State

Tuesday, February 8, 2000

201 Transcript: White House Daily Briefing, February 8, 2000
(Genetic discrimination, Middle East/N. Ireland, H-1B visas) (3860)

202 Transcript: State's Richard On International Affairs Budget
(Budget has decreased 41 percent from 1980s, she says) (6180)

203 Text: Helms Opening Statement at Foreign Relations Committee Hearing
(Albright testifies on FY2001 foreign affairs budget) (1200)

204 Text: Senate Trade Subcommittee Chairman on China Trade Relations
(Grassley wants permanent Normal Trade Relations for China) (2180)

205 Text: USTR Barshefsky on the U.S. Trade Agenda for 2000
(USTR sees movement on negotiations) (5750)

206 Senate Passes Northern Mariana Islands Bill Feb. 7
(Bill sets up system for temporary foreign workers) (330)

207 Text: Assistant Secretary of Treasury Truman on Dollarization
(Cites problems with proposal to share seigniorage) (3080)

208 Excerpts: JCS Chairman on Challenges Posed by Regional Adversaries
(International security environment is "unpredictable") (7740)

209 Text: McCaffrey Urges Global Cooperation Against Drug Trafficking
(ONDCP chief outlines strategies to counter illicit drug trade) (1320)

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