The United States
and China
(including Hong Kong)
U.S. Legislation
on Hong Kong
Prior to Reversion
The United States and Hong Kong U.S. policy toward Hong Kong is grounded in a determination to help preserve Hong Kong's prosperity and way of life after the territory's reversion to Chinese rule on July 1, 1997.
Like previous administrations, the Bush Administration strongly supports the 1984 U.K.-China Joint Declaration on Hong Kong. It provides a sound basis for a smooth transfer of sovereignty and a comprehensive and rational framework for Hong Kong's continued stability and prosperity. Administration support for the Joint Declaration is also underscored by U.S. law. While recognizing that Hong Kong has become a part of China, the U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 establishes domestic legal authority to treat Hong Kong as an entity distinct from the People's Republic of China after reversion. This accepts and reinforces the Joint Declaration concept of one country, two systems.
The United States has a significant interest in Hong Kong's successful transition. Americans have a very substantial stake in promoting economic and business relationships, preserving civil liberties and the rule of law, maintaining a cooperative law enforcement relationship, and preserving access to Hong Kong as a routine and frequent port of call for U.S. Navy ships. The breadth of these activities and interests are maintained in Hong Kong by one of the largest U.S. missions in Asia. The United States wants and expects to enjoy the same broad range of relations with Hong Kong as it did prior to the reversion, an objective made clear in the U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act.
In short, the Bush Administration believes that Hong Kong is a Chinese city, but a unique one, with an international character. Its future stability and continued prosperity are important not just to China but to the world community, including the United States.
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