U.S. Laws/Resolutions on Hong Kong
Executive Order on Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices
(Privileges resulting from S. 342)
June 30, 1997
Text: White House Release on Legal Cooperation Agreements
(Agreements needed for post-transition cooperation)
May 2, 1997(Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives)
March 11, 1997
H.R. 890 - A Bill to Provide for Special Immigrant Status
for Certain Aliens Working As Journalists in Hong Kong(Introduced in the House of Representatives)
February 27, 1997
S. 342 - A Bill to Extend Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and
Immunities to Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices(Introduced in the Senate)
February 24, 1997
S.RES 271 - Expressing the Sense of the Senate With Respect to
International Obligation of The People's Republic of China To
to Allow an Elected Legislature in Hong Kong After June 30, 1997(Introduced in the Senate)
June 26, 1996
S.RES 175 - Expressing the Sense of the Senate Regarding
the Recent Elections in Hong Kong(Introduced in the Senate)
September 20, 1995
Text: U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992
(President Bush signs Hong Kong Policy Act into law)
October 5, 1992