Sites d'Internet se rapportant ?br> l'Initiative en faveur d'une Communaut?de d・ocraties

(en anglais)

Note : L'internaute est invit??visionner les
sites ci-apr・ en texte uniquement
vu la lourdeur des graphismes qu'ils contiennent.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
The Endowment conducts programs of research, discussion, publication, and education in international affairs and U.S. foreign policy.

Commission on Human Rights
U.S.-sponsored roundtable on strengthening democracy.

Community of Democracies: Ministerial Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, June 26-27, 2000

Community of Democracies: Official Polish Government Site

Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

European Court of Human Rights

Freedom House
Freedom House is a vigorous advocate for democracy and human rights worldwide. Freedom House's work includes an array of research, advocacy, and publications to promote human rights, democracy, free market economics, the rule of law, independent media, and U.S. engagement abroad.

Inter-American Court for Human Rights

National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, nonprofit, grant-making organization created to strengthen democratic institutions around the world.

National League for Democracy (NLD)
The NLD is Burma's leading political party. The NLD won over 80 per cent of the seats in Burma's 1990 Parliamentary elections but has not yet been allowed to seat a government.

Soros Foundation
An autonomous nonprofit organization founded by philanthropist George Soros to promote the development of open society. National foundations are located primarily in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, but also in other parts of the world.

Stefan Batory Foundation
An independent non-profit organization, established to support the wide-ranging advancement of Polish society, particularly in the fields of public, informational; cultural; scientific and educational activities addressed to the development of a free market and democracy in Poland, as well as the bringing together of the nations and states of Central and Eastern Europe.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

What Is Democracy?
The former U.S. Information Agency's pamphlet on democracy and its beginnings to the present day. This worldwide phenomenon belies the skeptics who have contended that modern liberal democracy is a uniquely Western artifact that can never be successfully replicated in non-Western cultures.

World Forum on Democracy World Forum will gather in Warsaw, June 25-27, democracy leaders and activists, academic experts, leaders of civic and religious organizations, representatives of the business community, labor, NGOs and the media to discuss the continued advancement of democratic governance and values throughout the world.

World Movement for Democracy
The World Movement for Democracy is an initiative to strengthen collaboration among those working to promote democratic values and institutions. The World Movement is inspired by the belief that the new global economy and the expansion of instantaneous global communications can create new opportunities and potential for effective collaboration among democrats on a worldwide scale.

Fundamental U.S. Documents

Cliquer sur " F " pour obtenir les documents en fran・is,
" E " pour l'anglais et " S " pour l'espagnol.

U.S. Constitution
E | F | S
Bill of Rights
E | F | S
Declaration of Independence
E | F | S
The Federalist Papers

U.S. Government

Executive Branch

Legislative Branch
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
Judicial Branch

The Cabinet

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