Portrait of the USA
Structure, standards,
and challenges
American education is a complex topic because a single
school can draw upon resources from several different public and private institutions. For example, a student may attend a private high school whose curriculum must meet standards set by the state, some of whose science courses may be financed by federal funds, and whose sports teams may play on local, publicly owned fields.
Despite this complexity, however, it is possible to describe
the broad contours of American education.

Almost 90 percent of American students below the college
level attend public elementary and secondary schools, which do
not charge tuition but rely on local and state taxes for funding.
Traditionally, elementary school includes kindergarten through
the eighth grade. In some places, however, elementary school ends
after the sixth grade, and students attend middle school, or
junior high school, from grades seven through nine. Similarly,
secondary school, or high school, traditionally comprises grades
nine through twelve, but in some places begins at the tenth
Most of the students who do not attend public elementary and
secondary schools attend private schools, for which their
families pay tuition. Four out of five private schools are run by
religious groups. In these schools religious instruction is part
of the curriculum, which also includes the traditional academic
courses. (Religious instruction is not provided in public
schools. The issue of prayer in public schools is discussed in
chapter 4.) There is also a small but growing number of parents
who educate their children themselves, a practice known as home
The United States does not have a national school system.
Nor, with the exception of the military academies (for example,
the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland), are there schools
run by the federal government. But the government provides
guidance and funding for federal educational programs in which
both public and private schools take part, and the U.S.
Department of Education oversees these programs.
In American parlance, a college is a four-year institution
of higher learning that offers courses in related subjects. A
liberal arts college, for example, offers courses in literature,
languages, history, philosophy, and the sciences, while a
business college offers courses in accounting, investment, and
marketing. Many colleges are independent and award bachelor's
degrees to those completing a program of instruction that
typically takes four years. But colleges can also be components
of universities. A large university typically comprises several
colleges, graduate programs in various fields, one or more
professional schools (for example, a law school or a medical
school), and one or more research facilities. (Americans often
use the word "college" as shorthand for either a college or a
Every state has its own university, and some states operate
large networks of colleges and universities: The State University
of New York, for instance, has more than 60 campuses in New York
State. Some cities also have their own public universities. In
many areas, junior or community colleges provide a bridge between
high school and four-year colleges for some students. In junior
colleges, students can generally complete their first two years
of college courses at low cost and remain close to home.
Unlike public elementary and secondary schools, public
colleges and universities usually charge tuition. However, the
amount often is much lower than that charged by comparable
private institutions, which do not receive the same level of
public support. Many students attend college -- whether public or
private -- with the benefit of federal loans that must be repaid
after graduation.
About 25 percent of colleges and universities are privately
operated by religious groups. Most of these are open to students
of all faiths. There are also many private institutions with no
religious ties. Whether public or private, colleges depend on
three sources of income: student tuition, endowments (gifts made
by benefactors), and government funding.
There is no clear distinction between the quality of
education provided at public and private colleges or
institutions. The public universities of California and Virginia,
for example, are generally rated on a par with the Ivy League, an
association of eight prestigious private schools in the
northeastern United States. This does not mean that all
institutions are equal, however. A student who has graduated from
a highly regarded college may have a distinct advantage as he or
she seeks employment. Thus, competition to get into the more
renowned schools can be intense.
A college student takes courses in his or her "major" field
(the area of study in which he or she chooses to specialize),
along with "electives" (courses that are not required but chosen
by the student). It has been estimated that American colleges and
universities offer more than 1,000 majors.

From Hawaii to Delaware, from Alaska to Louisiana, each of
the 50 states has its own laws regulating education. From state
to state, some laws are similar while others are not. For
- All states require young people to attend school. The age
limit varies, however. Most states require attendance up to age
16, some up to 18. Thus, every child in America receives at least
11 years of education. This is true regardless of a child's sex,
race, religion, learning problems, physical handicaps, ability to
speak English, citizenship, or status as an immigrant. (Although
some members of Congress have advocated permitting the states to
deny public education to children of illegal immigrants, such a
proposal has not become law.)
- Some states play a strong central role in the selection
of learning material for their students. For example, state
committees may decide which textbooks can be purchased with state
funds. In other states, such decisions are left to local school
Although there is no national curriculum in the United
States, certain subjects are taught in virtually all elementary
and secondary schools throughout the country. Almost every
elementary school, for example, teaches mathematics; language
arts (including reading, grammar, writing, and literature);
penmanship; science; social studies (including history,
geography, citizenship, and economics); and physical education.
In many schools, children are taught how to use computers, which
have also become integral parts of other courses.
In addition to required courses -- for example, a year of
American history, two years of literature, etc. -- secondary
schools, like colleges, typically offer electives. Popular
electives include performing arts, driver's education, cooking,
and "shop" (use of tools, carpentry, and repair of machinery).

Until the 1950s required courses were many, electives few.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the trend was to give students more
choices. By the 1980s, however, parents and educators were taking
a second look at this practice. The primary reason for their
concern was the possible connection between the growth of
electives and the slow but steady decline of American students'
average scores on standardized tests of mathematics, reading, and
At the same time, college administrators and business
executives began to complain that some high school graduates
needed remedial courses in the so-called three R's: reading,
writing, and arithmetic. About 99 percent of American adults
reported in the 1980 census that they could read and write. But
critics claimed that about 13 percent of America's 17-year-olds
were "functionally illiterate." That is, they were unable to
carry out such everyday tasks as understanding printed
instructions and filling out a job application.
Experts scrutinized every conceivable cause for the decline
in average scores in the early 1980s. One target was television,
which was accused of producing mediocre programs. And American
children, critics said, watched too much TV, an average of 25
hours a week. School boards were criticized for paying teachers
too little, with the result that good ones tended to leave the
field of education, and for giving students easier material to
work with so that all of them could get a diploma -- a phenomenon
known as "dumbing down" the curriculum.
No single cause was identified for what ailed American secondary education. Similarly, there was no one solution. The U.S. Department of Education established a national commission to examine the question. In 1983 the commission made several recommendations: lengthen the school day and year, formulate a new core curriculum for all students (four years of English;
three years each of math, science, and social studies; a half-year of computer science), and raise the standards of performance in each subject. As a result, many schools have tightened their requirements, and test scores for American children have been rising.
In 1989 President George Bush and the governors of all 50
states gave the movement to reform American education a new
impetus when they set six goals to be achieved by the year 2000:
- That all children will start school ready to learn.
- That 90 percent of all high school students will
- That all students will achieve competence in core
subjects at certain key points in their progress.
- That American students will be first in the world in math
and science achievement.
- That every American adult will be literate and have the
skills to function as a citizen and a worker.
- That all schools will be free of drugs and violence and
offer a disciplined environment that is conducive to learning.
Congress established a program called Goals 2000, by which
the states receive federal grants to help them reach the goals.
By 1996, progress had been made -- 86 percent of American
students completed high school, scores on national math and
science tests had gone up one full grade, and half of all
four-year-olds attended programs to prepare them for school.
In 2001 President George W. Bush proposed a plan to further improve student performance, and Congress enacted legislation to carry out his goals. Emphasizing the needs of individual students, the legislation requires states to set high standards and require accountability, gives school districts control over spending of federal funds, expands options for parents in choosing the best schools for their children, and supports instruction based on proven methods of learning.

In addition to the challenge to be excellent, American
schools have been facing novel problems. They must cope with an
influx of immigrant children, many of whom speak little or no
English. They must respond to demands that the curriculum reflect
the various cultures of all children. Schools must make sure that
students develop basic skills for the job market, and they must
consider the needs of nontraditional students, such as teen-age
Schools are addressing these problems in ways that reflect
the diversity of the U.S. educational system. They are hiring or
training large numbers of teachers of English as a second
language and, in some communities, setting up bilingual schools.
They are opening up the traditional European-centered curriculum
to embrace material from African, Asian, and other cultures.
Schools are also teaching cognitive skills to the nearly 40
percent of American students who do not go on to higher
education. In the words of a recent report by the Commission on
Achieving Necessary Skills, "A strong back, the willingness to
work, and a high school diploma were once all that was necessary
to make a start in America. They are no longer. A well-developed
mind, a continued willingness to learn and the ability to put
knowledge to work are the new keys to the future of our young
people, the success of our business, and the economic well-being
of the nation."

The United States leads the industrial nations in the
proportion of its young people who receive higher education. For
some careers -- law, medicine, education, engineering -- a
college education is a necessary first step. More than 60 percent
of Americans now work in jobs that involve the handling of
information, and a high school diploma is seldom adequate for
such work. Other careers do not strictly require a college
degree, but having one often can improve a person's chances of
getting a job and can increase the salary he or she is paid.
The widespread availability of a college education in
America dates back to 1944, when Congress passed a law popularly
known as the GI Bill. (GI -- meaning "government issue" -- was a
nickname for an American soldier, and the law provided financial
aid to members of the armed forces after World War II was over.)
By 1955 more than 2 million veterans of World War II and the
Korean War had used the GI Bill to go to college. Many of them
came from poor families and would not have had the chance to go
to college without the law. The program's success changed the
American image of who should attend college.
About the same time, the percentage of women in American
colleges began to grow steadily; in 2000 women received 57
percent of all degrees awarded, compared to 24 percent in 1950.
With the end of racial segregation in the 1950s and 1960s,
African Americans also entered colleges in record numbers. Today, the percentage of African Americans who go on to college nearly equals the general population. In 2000, 56.2 percent of
African-American high school graduates were enrolled in college,
compared with 63.3 percent of all high school graduates.

Like high schools, American colleges are sometimes
criticized for discarding required courses and offering too many
electives. In the mid-1980s the Association of American Colleges
issued a report that called for teaching a body of common
knowledge to all college students. A similar report, "Involvement
in Learning," issued by the National Institute of Education,
concluded that the college curriculum had become "excessively...work-related." The report also warned that college education may no longer be developing in students "the shared
values and knowledge" that traditionally bind Americans together.
These reports coincided with a trend away from the liberal
arts. Instead, students were choosing major fields designed to
prepare them for specific jobs. In 2000, 49 percent of the
bachelor's degrees were conferred in the fields of business and
management, communications, computer and information sciences,
education, engineering, and health sciences.
This trend raises questions that apply to the educational
philosophy of all industrialized countries. In an age of
technological breakthroughs and highly specialized disciplines,
is there still a need for the generalist with a broad background
and well-developed abilities to reason and communicate? And if
the answer to that question is yes, should society take steps to
encourage its colleges and universities to produce more such
generalists? Like their counterparts in other countries, American
educators continue to debate these questions.