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Screen shot of 'Parade of Chinese,' 1898.

"中國遊行" 湯姆是艾迪聲電影中的一景,1898

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遊行常是共同慶祝活動的中心焦點,其能提供令人興奮、感動的景像,人們能在路邊觀看;英國有一種有名的遊行,名為閱兵分列 (Trooping the Colour) ,遊行方式為皇室坐在四輪馬車內檢閱軍隊;而在美國,會為各式各樣的節日舉辦遊行,包括感恩節 (Thanksgiving) 、哥倫布日 (Columbus Day) 、聖派翠剋日 (St. Patrick's Day) 和國殤紀念日 (Memorial Day) ;慶祝文化盛事時,也會舉辦遊行,如春節和嘉年華會 (Mardi Gras) (法文意為肥胖星期二) 美國有一座城市以其嘉年華會而著名;你知道是哪一個城市嗎?

Parades are often a central part of a community celebration, providing an exciting, moving spectacle that people can watch from the sidelines. A famous parade in Britain is called Trooping the Colour when royalty is driven around in a carriage to inspect the troops. In the U.S., we have parades for all sorts of holidays, including Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Memorial Day. We also have parades celebrating cultural events such as Chinese New Year and Mardi Gras. One city in the U.S. is known for its Mardi Gras (French for "Fat Tuesday") Festival. Do you know which one it is?
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VIDEO 出處: Thomas A. Edison, Inc.; producer, James White. "Parade of Chinese," Edison Manufacturing Co., 1898. Early Motion Pictures, 1897-1920, Library of Congress.