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Jump Back in Time 獨立戰爭期間 (1764-1789)
Washington Midway Between the Two Armies at Princeton

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如果由你來組成一個新的國家,你會如何運作?一個領導人會不會只有一個,或者是由每一州推派代表共同領導?大州是否應該比小州有更多的代表和票數?第二屆的大陸會議針對類似的議題,辯論了一年之久。到了1777年11月15日,第二屆的大陸會議終於通過邦聯條例 (Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union) 。不過這個條例還是需要各州批准才能生效。

How does a country become a country? When the Colonies declared their independence from Britain, they had a flag and an army. What they lacked was a government.

If you were forming a new country, how would you run it? Would there be one leader, or representatives from each state? Would larger states have more representatives and more votes than smaller states? The second Continental Congress debated similar issues for one year. On November 15, 1777, the second Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Then they needed approval from the states.

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