

考察法案 (Expedition
Act) 通過了
如果你有玩過紙上遊戲大富翁,你就知道遊戲的目的是要蒐集最多的不動產,或者控制最多的鐵道路線。如果你在公園廣場 (Park
Place) 或者是木板路(Boardwalk)上有一間飯店,那麼你就很有可能成功。但是如果你沒有,那麼一旦你停在這些地方,就必須付出非常昂貴的過路費。在1800年後期,真實世界的生活就變得有點像大富翁一樣。人們或公司會合併相關企業的其他公司,讓自己盡可能的控制生產數量與價格。其中最有名的例子就是摩根美國鋼鐵公司 (J.
P. Morgan』s U.S. Steel Corporation) 。這間公司控制了鋼鐵生產的上下游,包括從鐵礦的開採,一直到鋼鐵的製造生產等等。當一家公司對某一項工業擁有如此強大的操控力時,其他公司就很難與其競爭。這就稱為獨佔。擁有獨佔事業的公司,就能夠輕易的控制昂貴的價格與低廉的薪資,因為並沒有太多其他的競爭者。你知道這些公司為什麼會享有獨佔事業嗎?
If you've ever played the board game Monopoly, you know that the goal is to collect real estate or control railroads. If you have hotels on Park Place and Boardwalk, you're in good shape, but if you don't, then they're expensive places to land. During the late 1800s, life was becoming a bit like a Monopoly game. A person or company would merge businesses with related industries, making it possible to control production and prices. One example was J.P. Morgan's U.S. Steel Corporation. This company controlled all the stages of steel production, from iron-ore mining to steel manufacturing. When one company has such strong control over an industry, it makes it difficult for others to compete. This is called a monopoly. Having a monopoly makes it easier for the company to keep prices high and wages low because it has few competitors. What do you think was done about companies like this?