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Erin is Calling
這首歌叫做愛琳打電話來了 (Erin is Calling) (愛琳Erin是愛爾蘭Ireland的暱稱)

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This folk song, "My Father and Mother Were Irish" celebrates Irish American pride

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聖派翠克節 (St. Patrick』s Day) :317

男士女士們,你們今天忘記穿綠衣服了。今天是聖派翠克節!根據愛爾蘭的習俗,每年的317日,愛爾蘭人與愛爾蘭裔美國人都會穿上綠衣服紀念派翠克 (Patrick) 的去世。派翠克是愛爾蘭的一位愛國志士,他死於西元492年的317日。不過現在人們主要是在慶祝愛爾蘭的傳統以及愛爾蘭豐富的文化與習俗。美國各地都會在這一天舉辦遊行與慶典,包括波士頓自1737年開始舉辦的遊行、紐約自1762年開始舉辦的遊行,以及喬治亞州薩瓦那 (Savannah) 自1812年開始舉辦的遊行最為有名。你要做些什麼來彰顯愛爾蘭傳統呢?穿綠色衣服嗎?四處尋找四葉草?還是要唱愛爾蘭歌曲呢?

Aye lads and lassies, don't ya' forget to wear the green today. Today is St. Patrick's Day! On March 17, Irish and Irish Americans commemorate the death, as legend has it, of Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, who died on March 17, around 492. But mainly, people today honor Irish heritage and its rich culture and traditions. Cities all over the U.S. celebrate with parades and festivities. The most famous of these annual festival traditions includes the Boston parade, with its first parade in 1737; the New York City parade, which began in 1762; and the Savannah, Georgia, parade which started in 1812. What do you do to honor Irish tradition? Wear green? Look for four-leaf clovers? Sing Irish songs?

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CREDIT: Barbelle, Albert, illustrator. "Erin Is Calling." Milton Ager, music. William Jerome, words. New York, William Jerome, 1916. Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University), American Memory collections, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Coffin, Mrs. Byron, Sr., performer. "My Father and Mother Were Irish" (Alternate title: "My Mother and Father Were Irish"). Recorded by Sidney Robertson Cowell, April 6, 1939. California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties, American Memory collections, Library of Congress.