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Jump Back in Time 現代時期  (1946 - present)
Silver Cascade--White Mountains.

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第一個地球日 (Earth Day) :1970422

我們只有一個地球,所以我們必須要好好的照顧她。這是威斯康辛州的蓋洛德‧奈爾森 (
Gaylord Nelson) 參議員所堅信的理念。他對於保護環境這個重要的議題,沒有受到政治人物 或媒體的重視,而感到相當憂心。所以,他在1970422日創立了第一個「地球日」。全國各地約有2千萬人參加地球日的活動。這是基層人民意志的發揮,也讓國會最後通過空氣清淨法 (Clean Air Act) ,以及水源清淨法 (Clean Water Act) 。為什麼地球日得到這麼多支持呢?

We only have one earth, so we need to take care of her. That's what Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin believed. He was disturbed that an issue as important as our environment was not addressed in politics or by the media, so he created the first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970. An estimated 20 million people nationwide attended festivities that day. It was a truly astonishing grassroots explosion, leading eventually to national legislation such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. Why did Earth Day receive so much support?

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