在1836年,美國國會的南方代表要求議會通過「言論箝制規範」(gag rule),禁止眾議院針對奴隸議題發表任何言論,亞當斯不屈不撓地對此規範進行抗爭,終於在1844年成功地讓國會以108比80的票數、廢除此條款。您知道亞當斯在廢除奴隸制度上最大的貢獻是哪一件事嗎?
Adams's increasing independence from any particular political party allowed him to champion the rights of the antislavery (abolitionist) movement. Adams said he felt "bonded" by the Constitution to work for universal emancipation (freedom for all).
In 1836, Southern members of Congress got the House to pass a "gag rule" that forbade discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives. Adams fought tirelessly against the gag rule, and in 1844 he finally succeeded in getting it abolished, by a vote of 108 to 80. What event most highlighted Adams's fight against slavery?
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