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Meet Amazing Americans 音樂家與作曲家  約翰菲利普蘇沙 (John Philip Sousa)

蘇沙準備好組成自己的樂團 Sousa was ready to have his own band.
蘇沙準備好組成自己的樂團 Sousa was ready to have his own band.

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蘇沙樂團 The Sousa Band


蘇沙思考過當時熱門的各種樂團型態:銅管樂隊、軍樂隊、啤酒屋樂團、交響樂團等等,後來他決定結合自己所愛的各種樂團元素、成立自己的新樂團 – 蘇沙樂團。某家報紙稱之為「軍隊中的管絃樂隊」、因為該樂團使用的是軍中的樂器,但卻聽來像是交響樂團的演奏;蘇沙樂團花了幾個月的時間準備,一開始演出便獲得民眾喜愛、受歡迎的時間長達近四十年。年復一年他們在美國以及之後全球的表演、總是吸引了座無虛席的爆滿觀眾。

In 1892, John Philip Sousa was 35 years old. He had been the leader of the U.S. Marine Band for 12 years and was ready to do something different. On July 30, 1892, he resigned from the Marine Corps to start his own band. But what kind of band would it be?

Sousa thought about the kinds of bands that were popular at the time: brass bands, military bands, beer hall bands, and symphony orchestras. Then he combined all the things he liked about each type to form his new band, the Sousa Band. One newspaper called it "a military orchestra" because it had the instruments of a military band, but could sound like a symphony orchestra. It took a few months for the Sousa Band to get rolling, but once it did, the band stayed popular for almost 40 years. Year after year they played for sold-out crowds all over America, and, later, all over the world.

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