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Meet Amazing Americans 社會運動家與改革家 塔布曼 (Harriet Tubman)
Deep Bottom, Va. U.S. gunboat Mendota.
(Gunboat Mendota)

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內戰期間,塔布曼為聯邦軍擔任護士、廚師和偵探。她帶領奴隸沿著地下鐵道逃亡的經驗在戰爭時派上用場,因為她十分的瞭解這塊土地。她徵募一群前奴隸前來進行搜索敵軍陣營所在地的工作並將邦聯軍隊的一舉一動回報給聯邦軍隊。 1863年時,她與陸軍上校詹姆斯蒙哥馬利 (James Montgomery) 及約150名黑人將士準備對南卡羅來納州發動砲艇襲擊。因為她自偵察兵處取得的內線消息顯示,聯邦軍的砲艇得以出其不意地襲擊邦聯反叛軍。您認為奴隸們是如何回應此次行動?

During the Civil War, Tubman worked for the Union army as a nurse, a cook, and a spy. Her experience leading slaves along the Underground Railroad was especially helpful because she knew the land well. She recruited a group of former slaves to hunt for rebel camps and report on the movement of the Confederate troops. In 1863, she went with Colonel James Montgomery and about 150 black soldiers on a gunboat raid in South Carolina. Because she had inside information from her scouts, the Union gunboats were able to surprise the Confederate rebels. How do you think the slaves reacted to this activity?

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