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Meet Amazing Americans 社會運動家與改革家 斯坦頓 (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1856.


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從年輕時,斯坦頓就知道女孩無法享有跟男孩一樣的權利或機會。斯坦頓就讀於一所男女同校的約翰斯頓學院 (Johnston Academy) ,後來她寫道「她是數學及語言高級班中唯一的女生。」她無法進入大學繼續進修,因為她是個女孩子,所以她只好就讀於愛瑪威拉德特洛伊女子學院 (Emma Willard's Troy Female Seminary) ;斯坦頓堅信個人權利,如投票權或工作權 (只要您的資格符合該工作的要求) 。斯坦頓的父親是個法官,她跟著父親一起研讀法律,但卻無法開業,因為 (您沒猜錯) 她是個女人。有了這些過往經歷,您認為是什麼原因促使斯坦頓努力為女權奮鬥呢?

From a young age, Elizabeth Cady Stanton learned that girls didn't have the same rights or opportunities as boys. Stanton went to Johnston Academy, a co-ed school. She later wrote that she was "the only girl in the higher classes of mathematics and the languages." She wasn't allowed to go to college because she was a girl, so instead she studied at Emma Willard's Troy Female Seminary. Stanton was a firm believer in individual rights, such as the right to vote or the right to have any job for which you are qualified. Stanton's father was a judge. She read law with him but wasn't allowed to practice because, you guessed it, she was a woman. After all this, what do you think inspired Stanton to fight for women's rights?

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