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Meet Amazing Americans 社會運動家與改革家 馬丁路德金恩 (Martin Luther King Jr.)
名叫做羅沙‧帕克斯(Rosa Parks)的黑人婦女、在1956年因觸犯「反抵制條款」、在被逮捕後進行按指紋的動作。 Rosa Parks was fingerprinted after a subsequent arrest for violating anti-boycott laws in 1956.
名叫做羅沙‧帕克斯(Rosa Parks)的黑人婦女、在1956年因觸犯「反抵制條款」、在被逮捕後進行按指紋的動作。 Rosa Parks was fingerprinted after a subsequent arrest for violating anti-boycott laws in 1956.


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阿拉巴馬(Alabama) 罷車運動 (Bus Boycott)





On Dec 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks, an African-American, refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger, as local law required. She was arrested. A few days later the black community in Montgomery began a bus boycott.

What's a boycott?

A boycott is when a large group of people refuse to take part in, or make use of, something as a way of showing their disapproval.

Because so many black people rode the bus, a boycott would cause the bus system to lose a lot of money.

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