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Meet Amazing Americans 社會運動家與改革家 杜博斯 (W.E.B. Du Bois)
Drawing of African Americans voting, 1867
內戰 (Civil War) 過後不久,非裔美人即享有投票權

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威廉愛德華布格哈特 (W.E.B.) 杜博斯 (發音方式如下:do-boys) 長大後成為人權運動的先驅,也許會有人說他的成功是因為擁有絕佳的時機。他出生於內戰結束後的第三年,在這段名為「重建」的時期內,昔日的分裂國家試著要恢復原貌。於1868年頒布的第十四條修正案 (14th Amendment) 將國家的公民權利與義務授予前奴隸,而第15條修正案 (15th Amendment) 則授予黑人投票權,讓他們可以參與1870年的投票。然而,這些修正條款僅代表了國土法律,並不代表所有的公民就能夠遵守這些法律。

William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) Du Bois (pronounced "do-boys") grew up to become a pioneer in the civil rights movement. One might say that he had perfect timing. He was born three years after the end of the Civil War, during the period known as Reconstruction, when the once divided country was trying to rebuild. The 14th Amendment in 1868 gave national citizenship to former slaves, and the 15th Amendment granted black men the right to vote in 1870. Yet, just because these amendments were the laws of the land did not mean that all citizens abided by them.

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