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約翰昆西亞當斯擔任國會議員期間 John Quincy Adams as a Congressman


約翰昆西亞當斯過世時的送葬行列 Order of the funeral procession for John Quincy Adams

約翰昆西亞當斯過世時的送葬行列 Order of the funeral procession for John Quincy Adams

出處: "Order of the procession for the funeral of the Hon. John Quincy Adams, a representative in the Congress of the United States from the state of Massachusetts, and ex-president of the United States ... February 24, 1848." Printed Ephemera Collection; Portfolio 232, Folder 45. Created in 1848. From An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera.