*EPF513 10/18/2002
Text: Lawmaker Laments Slaughter of Innocent People in Bali
(Rep. Farr says "despicable acts" must be stopped) (440)

In remarks to the House of Representatives October 16, Representative Sam Farr (Democrat of California) condemned the October 12 terror attacks in Bali, Indonesia, which killed nearly 200 people, many of them Australians.

Americans, he added, "will never forget how Australia has continued to support the United States during our time of need, and I want to tell the Australian people that the United States is here to support you."

Farr deplored the "senseless killing" that targeted both foreigners as well as Indonesians.

Farr, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, and one of the co-chairmen of the House Oceans Caucus, lamented that once again, "innocent people have been used as pawns in a despicable act of terrorism����

"We cannot let these despicable acts continue to tear our world to pieces," he said.

Following is the text from the Congressional Record:

(begin text)


Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to express my deep sadness for the immense loss being felt around the world as a result of the horrific acts in Bali over the past weekend.

I especially want to send out my heartfelt sympathy to the Australian people. We remain hopeful that those presently listed as missing are alive and safe.

However, if the death toll reaches the number expected, Australia will sadly experience a loss of their people proportionate to that suffered here in the United States on September 11. Again, innocent people have been used as pawns in a despicable act of terrorism. We will never forget how Australia has continued to support the United States during our time of need, and I want to tell the Australian people that the United States is here to support you.

Perhaps one of the most ironic parts of this senseless killing is that it targeted young people who had chosen to venture from their home country to travel abroad and experience one-on-one the lives of people different from them. It also targeted the Indonesians who chose to work in the tourism industry and to welcome foreigners to their country. Bali was a place where people from all over the world came together peacefully to enjoy themselves and learn about each other's unique culture and ways of life.

These young people were open to exploring and celebrating the differences between cultures, rather than trying to further separate this divided world. We cannot let these despicable acts continue to tear our world to pieces.

Again, to the families in the U.S., Australia, and the 20-plus other countries who suffered in this blast, I extend my deepest sympathies and promise to commit myself ever stronger to the goal of peace.

(end text)

(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)

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