*EPF106 02/11/2002
Text: Rep. Pitts Introduces Measure Welcoming Pakistan's President
(Pakistan's Musharraf to meet with Bush Feb. 13) (460)

Representative Joseph Pitts (Republican of Pennsylvania) has introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives welcoming Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf to the United States.

The Pakistani leader is scheduled to meet President Bush in Washington February 13.

Pitts, who recently traveled to Pakistan's neighbor, Afghanistan, to assess conditions in that war-torn country, submitted House Concurrent Resolution 322 (H. Con. Res. 322) February 7. The proposed resolution was referred to the House International Relations Committee.

Pitts, who is a member of the House International Relations Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, said in the resolution that the war against terrorism "underscores the importance of strengthening the historic bilateral relationship between the United States and Pakistan."

President Musharraf, Pitts noted, has sought to return Pakistan "to democracy and civil society and has adhered to the timetable for restoring democratic elections to Pakistan."

The Pennsylvania Republican, a member of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and the Helsinki Commission, also praised the Pakistani leader for "confronting extremists and outlawing terrorism" in his country.

Pitts, a veteran of the Vietnam War, is the founder of the Religious Prisoners Congressional Task Force, which has advocated for prisoners of conscience in various countries.

Following is the text of House Concurrent Resolution 322 from the Congressional Record:

(begin text)

H. CON. RES. 322

Commending President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan for his leadership and friendship and welcoming him to the United States.


February 7, 2002

Mr. PITTS submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on International Relations


Commending President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan for his leadership and friendship and welcoming him to the United States.

Whereas President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan has shown credible and courageous leadership in cooperating with the United States in the fight against terrorism;

Whereas the war against terrorism underscores the importance of strengthening the historic bilateral relationship between the United States and Pakistan;

Whereas President Musharraf has pursued the return of Pakistan to democracy and civil society and has adhered to the timetable for restoring democratic elections to Pakistan;

Whereas President Musharraf has shown great fortitude in confronting extremists and outlawing terrorism in Pakistan;

Whereas President Musharraf has established a joint electorate system so that minorities are no longer disenfranchised and underrepresented in a separate electorate system; and

Whereas the Pakistani-American community in the United States plays an important role in developing a closer relationship between the peoples of the United States and Pakistan: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),

That Congress commends President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan for his leadershp nd friendship and welcomes him to the United States.

(end text)

(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)

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