Fact Sheet: "e-APEC Strategy" Endorsed by Pacific Rim Ministers
(Economies need to strengthen market structures, institutions)

Ministers of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies have endorsed an "e-APEC Strategy" designed to strengthen market structures and institutions, according to an October 19 fact sheet issued by the U.S. State Department following the officials' 2-day meeting in Shanghai.

Following is the text:

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U.S. Department of State
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
(Shanghai, People's Republic of China)

October 19, 2001


To develop and expand the Action Agenda for the New Economy that was agreed upon at the Brunei Ministerial, this year China, Australia, and the United States led the e-APEC Task Force to outline policies in three critical areas: 1) strengthening market structures and institutions, 2) facilitating infrastructure investment and technology development for on-line transactions, and 3) promoting entrepreneurship and human capacity building.

The "e-APEC Strategy" endorsed by the Ministerial Meeting sets out a comprehensive, long-term action agenda. Leaders will be asked to endorse and adopt the report as an annex to the Leaders Declaration. APEC economies will be directed to take concrete steps to implement the action agenda of the e-APEC Strategy.

The e-APEC Strategy sets out the need for economies to strengthen market structures and institutions. Key points include:

The report also illustrates the importance of creating an environment that will facilitate infrastructure investment and technology development. Key points include:

The third pillar of the e-APEC Strategy explains the necessity for enhancing human capacity building and promoting entrepreneurship. Key points include:

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(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)

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