BibliografiaArtigos e livros sobre temas de liberdade religiosa
Bloom, Irene, J. Paul Martin e Wayne L. Proudfoot, eds. "Religious Diversity and Human Rights" (Diversidade Religiosa e Direitos Humanos). Nova York: Columbia University Press, 1996. Casanova, Jose "Public Religions in the Modern World" (Religi・s P・licas no Mundo Moderno). Chicago University Press, 1994. Eck, Diana L. "Muslim in America" (Mu・lmanos na Am・ica), "The Christian Century", 6 de junho de 2001, vol. 118, n・18, p・. 20 Epps, Garrett "To An Unknown God: Religious Freedom on Trial" (Rumo a um Deus Desconhecido: A Liberdade Religiosa em Julgamento). Nova York: St. Martin's Press, 2001. Esposito, John. L. "Religion and Global Affairs: Political Challenges" (Religi・ e Temas Globais: Desafios Pol・icos), in "Symposium: The Impact of Religion on Global Affairs" (Simp・io: Impacto da Religi・ sobre Temas Globais), "SAIS Review", vol. 18, n・2, ver・/outono de 1998, p・. 19. Evans, Bette Novit "Interpreting the Free Exercise of Religion: The Constitution and American Pluralism" (Interpreta艫o do Livre Exerc・io da Religi・: A Constitui艫o e o Pluralismo Norte-Americano). Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1997. Henkin, Louis "The Age of Rights" (A Era dos Direitos). Nova York: Columbia University Press, 1990. Hutson, James H., ed. "Religion and the New Republic: Faith in the Founding of America" (Religi・ e a Nova Rep・lica: A F・na Funda艫o dos Estados Unidos). Lanham e Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2000. Johnston, Douglas M., Jr. "Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft" (Religi・, a Dimens・ Perdida do Estadismo). Oxford University Press, 1994. Little, David "Religion and Global Affairs: Religion and Foreign Policy" (Religi・ e Temas Globais: Religi・ e Pol・ica Externa), in "Symposium: The Impact of Religion on Global Affairs" (Simp・io: O Impacto da Religi・ sobre Temas Globais), SAIS Review, vol. 18, n・2, ver・/outono de 1998, p・. 25. Marshall, Paul "Religion and Global Affairs: Disregarding Religion" (Religi・ e Temas Globais: Desprezando a Religi・), in "Symposium: The Impact of Religion on Global Affairs" (Simp・io: O Impacto da Religi・ sobre Temas Globais), "SAIS Review", vol. 18, n・2, ver・/outono de 1998, p・. 13. Noonan, John Thomas e Edward McGlynn Gaffney "Religious Freedom: History, Cases, and Other Materials on the Interaction of Religion and Government" (Liberdade Religiosa: Hist・ia, Casos e Outros Materiais sobre a Intera艫o entre Religi・ e Governo). Nova York: Foundation Press, 2001. Orsi, Robert A., ed. "Gods of the City: Religion and the American Urban Landscape" (Deuses da Cidade: Religi・ e o Panorama Urbano Norte-Americano). S・ie Religi・ e Am・ica do Norte. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999. Rickard, Stephen "Religion and Global Affairs: Repression and Response" (Religi・ e Temas Globais: Repercuss・ e Rea艫o", in "Symposium: The Impact of Religion on Global Affairs" (Simp・io: O Impacto da Religi・ sobre Temas Globais), "SAIS Review", vol. 18, n・2, ver・/outono de 1998, p・. 52. Sullivan, Donna J. "Gender Equality and Religious Freedom: Toward a Framework for Conflict Resolution" (Igualdade entre os Sexos e Liberdade Religiosa: Rumo a uma Estrutura para a Resolu艫o de Conflitos), "New York University Journal of International Law and Politics", vol. 24, 1992, p・. 795. Thiemann, Ronald F. "Religion in Public Life: A Dilemma for Democracy" (Religi・ na Vida P・lica: um Dilema para a Democracia). Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1996. Thierstein, Joel and Yahya R. Kamalipour, eds. "Religion, Law and Freedom: A Global Perspective" (Religi・, Lei e Liberdade: Perspectiva Global). Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Wald, Kenneth D. "Religion and Politics in the United States" (Religi・ e Pol・ica nos Estados Unidos). 3・ed. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 1997. Warner, R. Stephen e Judith G. Wittner, eds. "Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration" (Reuni・s na Di・pora: As Comunidades Religiosas e a Nova Imigra艫o). Filad・fia: Temple University Press, 1998. Witte, John Jr. "Law, Religion, and Human Rights" (Leis, Religi・ e Direitos Humanos), "Columbia Human Rights Law Review", vol. 28, 1996, p・s. 1-31. Witte, John, Jr. e Johan D.van der Vyver, eds. "Religious Human Rights in Global Perspective: Legal Perspectives" (Direitos Humanos Religiosos em Perspectiva Global: Perspectivas Legais). Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1995. Young, Michael. "Religious Liberties and Religious Tolerance: An Agenda for the Future" (Liberdades Religiosas e Toler・cia Religiosa: Agenda para o Futuro), Brigham Young University Law Review, vol. 4, 1996, p・s. 973-87.
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