Please note that USIA assumes no responsibility for the content and availability of those non-USIA resources listed below, which reside solely with the providers.

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Fundamental U.S. Documents

U.S. Constitution
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Bill of Rights
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Declaration of Independence
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The Federalist Papers

U.S. Government

Executive Branch

Legislative Branch
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
Judicial Branch

The Cabinet
Cabinet Departments


NOTE: Viewers may want to turn off images due to the large number of graphics in the following web pages.

The Academy of Leadership
Founded at the University of Maryland, members of the Academy of Leadership believe that there is leadership within every person. As such, the academy fosters responsible and ethical leadership through education, service and scholarship in the public interest.

Alliance for National Renewal (ANR)
The Alliance for National Renewal brings together a network of people and organizations who want to better their communities through community builders' stories of renewal, a comprehensive listing of ANR partner organizations and links to community resources.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
The American Civil Liberties Union is the nation's foremost advocate of individual rights -- litigating, legislating and educating the public on a broad array of issues affecting individual freedom in the United States.

American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
The AFT is a 940,000-member union of public and professional employees, including public and private school teachers, paraprofessionals and school-related personnel, higher education faculty and professionals, employees of state and local governments, nurses and health professionals. The union exists to serve the interests of its members as determined by democratic processes at the local, state and national levels.

The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization led by volunteers, provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies.

American Society of Association Executives (ASAE)
ASAE is the world's leading membership organization for the association management profession. Links to the world of associations with a special section on resources.

The Brookings Institution
A private, independent, nonprofit research organization, Brookings seeks to improve the performance of American institutions, the effectiveness of government programs and the quality of U.S. public policies.

Center for Civic Education
The Center for Civic Education is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational corporation dedicated to fostering the development of informed, responsible participation in civic life by citizens committed to values and principles fundamental to American constitutional democracy.

Center for Civil Society Studies (CCSS)
The Center for Civil Society Studies at the Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies seeks to strengthen the institutional foundations of democracy throughout the world by encouraging the development of nonprofit organizations and promoting local self-government.

Center for Neighborhood Technology
Promotes public policies, new resources and accountable authority which support sustainable, just and vital urban communities. Currently, the center is working on transportation/air quality; sustainable manufacturing and recycling; and community energy.

The Citistates Group
The Citistates Group is a network of journalists, speakers and consultants who believe that successful metropolitan regions are today's key to economic competitiveness and sustainable communities.

Civic Practices Network (CPN)
CPN is a collaborative and nonpartisan project dedicated to bringing practical tools for public problem-solving into community and institutional settings across America.

Under the aegis of the Academy of Leadership at the University of Maryland, CivicSource links individuals, businesses, communities and movements with the resources to meet the needs of a new century of civic activism and transforming leadership.

Civnet is published by CIVITAS, an international, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting civic education. Civnet contains articles, essays, book reviews, and reports regarding democracy, civil society and civic education. Civnet also contains a teaching resource center, which includes a civics library, a listing of organizations and programs that promote civic education, and a calendar of civic-related events.

The Close Up Foundation
A nonprofit, nonpartisan civic-education organization, Close Up teaches responsible participation in the democratic process through civic-education programs and publications on government and citizenship.

The Community Action School
Also a part of the Academy of Leadership, the Community Action School provides leadership, grassroots organizing, advocacy and electoral-skills training to organizations and individuals by strengthening existing and fostering new organizations that are community-based and democratically structured.

INDEPENDENT SECTOR is a national leadership forum that works to encourage philanthropy, volunteerism, not-for-profit initiative and citizen action that better serves people and communities.

Institute for Global Communications (IGC)
IGC seeks to expand and inspire movements for peace, economic and social justice, human rights and environmental sustainability around the world by providing and developing accessible computer-networking tools.

The League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters is a multi-issue organization whose mission is to encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.

Formed as a non-profit corporation in 1993 by a group of business and civic leaders in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with support from various local universities and businesses, LibertyNet is the city's largest online provider of regional information with over 400 non-profit websites and almost 1,000 non-profit members with e-mail and web-browsing access.

The National Civic League (NCL)
The National Civic League advocates a new civic agenda to create communities that work for everyone and promotes the principles of collaborative problem-solving and consensus-based decision-making. NCL accomplishes its mission through technical assistance, publishing, research and an awards program.

National Council of Nonprofit Associations (NCNA)
NCNA is a state-based network of nonprofit associations that collectively represents more than 20,000 community nonprofits in fostering the development of state and regional nonprofit organizations to become more effective supporters of and advocates for community nonprofits; promoting the highest levels of accountability and ethics to broaden public support for and increase confidence in the nonprofit sector; and creating alliances with other organizations that work to strengthen the charitable sector.

Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management
Named for and inspired by Peter F. Drucker, the acknowledged father of modern management, the foundation seeks to lead social-sector organizations toward excellence in performance, by providing educational opportunities and resources; presenting conferences and video teleconferences; giving the annual Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation; and developing management resources, partnerships and publications.

The Urban Institute
A nonprofit policy research organization, the Urban Institute investigates the social and economic problems confronting national and government policies, and the public and private programs designed to alleviate them. The institute's objectives are to sharpen thinking about society's problems and efforts to solve them, improve government decisions and their implementation, and increase citizens' awareness about important public choices.

Issues of Democracy
USIA Electronic Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1998