回主页 美国研究

美国研究教授研习会 (Study of the United States Institutes for Faculty)
美国研究 学生领袖研习会(Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders)
美国研究书目 (Currents in American Scholarship)系列书目包括ˇ哲学、政治、宗教、美国研究、文学和历史。
  Philosophy in the United Statespdficon.gif (155 bytes)
  The Study of American Politicspdficon.gif (155 bytes)
  Colonial American Historypdficon.gif (155 bytes)
  New Directions in American Literary Scholarship 1980-2002pdficon.gif (155 bytes)
  Twentieth Century United States History pdficon.gif (155 bytes)
  American Studies Bibliography pdficon.gif (155 bytes)
  American Religious Historypdficon.gif (155 bytes)
美国研究学会 (Study of the U.S. Associations)
美国国务院电子期刊ˇDept. of State Electronic Journalˇ
美国研究领域主题表列ˇSubject Maps in American Studies Fieldsˇ
美国文化与历史地图ˇU.S. Cultural and Historical Maps ˇ
重要美国文ˇ的全文ˇComplete Texts of Important American Worksˇ
American Studies Programs in China
英语教学ˇEnglish Teachingˇ
The English Teaching Forum: a Journal for the Teacher of English. 1993-2006, by Dept. of State
美国研究课程 (American Studies Programs)
American Studies Programs on the Web (ASA Crossroad)
美国研究研究所 ˇASA Graduate Programs Directoryˇ
美国研究课程要目ˇAmerican Studies Syllabus Libraryˇ
美国研究教授名录 American Studies Faculty Index [A-L], [M-Z]
美国研究论文摘要 (Dissertation Abstracts, 1986-2006)
讨论群 (Discussion Lists)
H-Amstdy & Other American Studies Discussion Lists -- A User's Guide
Interroads - International Perspectives on the Study of American Culture To subscribe, send the message "SUBSCRIBE INTERROADS yourlastname yourfirstname" to [email protected])
H-Net List of Lists

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