’首頁 ’識’國’國文學

’國文學簡 介 (USA Literature in Brief) ’國國務’國際資’局’’’
’國’文學 (The Literature of the United States) 馬’斯’坎’夫(Marcus Cunliffe)
’國文學精華 (Highlights of American Literature) English as Foreign Language Publication
本’介紹’國 ’’’’文學’’及’有’’’’’’’
Outline of American literature Revised Edition Dept. of State. IIP Publication
’’文集’’’’’’’ (Writers on America) ’’國國務’’’’’
文學’’文化交’’橋樑’’’’ (Literature: Snapshots from the Bridge (選’: The Arts in America: New Directions), ’國國務’’’期’2004’4月 )
當’’國文學’’’元文化’’’’      (Contemporary U.S. Literature: Multicultural Perspectives’ ’國國務’’’期’2000’2月
’方’: ’國區域文學’A Sense of Place: Regional American Literature) ’國國務’’’期’1996’8月
藍斯’休斯 (Langston Hughes) ’選’’’國’’’--’見傳’’’’
’’’雜’’詩’-- "藍斯’’早’生’"
薩’爾’萊’斯’Samuel Langhorne Clemens’’選’’’國’’’--’見傳’’’’

偉’’’國’說 --"馬’’溫’’’貝裡’"

喜’’’’’’’溫 --"’國最’’’’’"

’’’’’什麼’’溫? --"薩’爾’萊’斯’’’馬’’溫"

福’斯’收’’’’禮’ (選’’’國’’’’’’’)
文學批評’關網’’Links to Literary Criticism’
’’’國文學網’’Links to American Literature Online’
重’’國著’之’文’Complete Texts of Important American Works)
’商’’評’Links to Booksellers and Book Reviews’

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