In the House (Quorum = 218)
If few Members are present:
"Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and make a point of order that a quorum is not present."
(If 218 members are not present, a roll call vote is automatic); or
"Mr. Speaker, I request the yeas and nays."
(1/5th of the Members must stand in support of the request).
If the Floor is crowded: (over 218 Members present)
"Mr. Speaker, on that I request a recorded vote."
(44 Members must stand in support of the recorded vote).
In the Committee of the Whole (Quorum = 100)
If few Members are present:
"Mr. Chairman, I request a recorded vote and, pending that, I make a point of order that a quorum is not present."
(If 25 members stand in support, the point of order should be withdrawn,
as the vote will be ordered).
If the Floor is crowded: (over 100 Members present)
"Mr. Chairman, I request a recorded vote."
(25 Members must stand in support).