Methods / Calendars for Bringing a Bill to the Floor

A. Unanimous Consent (UC) - Measures to be considered by unanimous consent are scheduled by the Majority Leader (contact Siobhan at x5-6600).

B. Suspension of the Rules (Rule XXVII) (Suspensions) - Measures to be considered under suspension of the rules are scheduled by the Majority Leader (contact Siobhan at x5-6600).

C. Special Rules - Measures to be considered under special rules are requested by a letter from the chairman of the reporting committee to the Chairman of the Rules Committee (contact - committee's L.A. liaison at Rules Committee majority x5-9191).

D. Corrections Calendar (Rule XIII, Clause 4) - After a measure has been favorably reported and placed on the Union or House calendar the Speaker, in consultation with the Minority Leader and the bipartisan Corrections advisory panel, may file notice with the Clerk that the measure may also be placed on the corrections calendar. Scheduled by the Speaker's Floor Office (contact Mark Peterson at x5-2204).

E. Private Calendar (Rule XXIV, Clause 6) - The Speaker may direct the Clerk to call measures that are pending on the Private Calendar. (contact Siobhan at x5-6600).

F. Discharge Calendar (Rule XXVII, Clause 3) - A Member may file a motion with the Clerk to discharge a committee from consideration of any measure which has been pending before it for more than 30 legislative days. A Member may also file a motion to discharge the Rules Committee from consideration of a resolution providing for a special order of business if: (1) the resolution has been pending before Rules for more than seven legislative days; and (2) the underlying bill has been pending before its committee of jurisdiction for more than 30 legislative days. These times may run concurrently.

** In addition to the above methods of gaining floor consideration, certain committees and measures are given privileged access to the floor under the standing rules of the House. Calendar Wednesday rules also remain in effect.

Prepared by House Rules Committee Majority, Parliamentary Outreach Program, January 1997

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