About InfoUSA

Welcome! InfoUSA is a resource for people around
the world who seek information about United
States history, culture, economy, educational
systems, political processes and more. You
can learn about us by scrolling through
the five main categories shown here: Life,
and Economy.
Or, you can take a Guided
Tour that highlights some unique features
of our society. You can test your knowledge
with a Quiz
and see how much there is to learn about
the U.S.A.
Because information about the government,
science, technology, statistics and visas
change rapidly, for the most current information
consult updated links at the InfoUSA website
at http://usinfo.state.gov/infousa/
. For further information on the United
States, or if you require access to information
from an Internet site listed here, please
contact the Library or Information Resource
Center at the U.S. embassy or consulate
nearest you. We hope you enjoy the CD!
InfoUSA is developed and maintained by the
Office of Information Resources in the Bureau
of International Information Programs (IIP),
U.S. Department of State.
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