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The Regions of the United States | Facts & Statistics

Alabama, "The Heart of Dixie"
Abbreviation: AL

Alabama Flag
State Flag
Alabama Seal
State Seal

The etymology of the word or name, Alabama, has evoked much discussion. It was the name of an Indian tribe (Alabama, Albama, Alebamon, Alibama, Alibamou, Alibamon, Alabamu, and Allibamou). Alabama possibly means "Here We Rest", but it could also mean "thicket clearers", Alabama being a compound of Alba meaning "a thick or mass vegetation," and amo meaning "to clear, to collect, to gather up." Alabama became the 22nd state in 1819. From the early 19th century, Alabama's economy was dominated by cotton. However, although it is still an important crop, such as corn, peanuts, soybeans have taken over much of the former cotton lands. Particularly in the second half of the 20th century, a comparatively rapid industrialization set in. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) program of hydroelectric power production, begun in the 1930s, fostered the growth of giant fertilizer, munitions, and aluminum industries. Alabama, known as "Heart of Dixie" occupies a central place in the history of the South. Montgomery, the Alabama capital, served as the first Confederate Capital during the Civil War. Tourists can visit Alabama's historic homes and gardens, reminiscent of the Old South. Also popular are the resorts and beaches on Dauphin Island, the Gulf Shore and Mobile Bay.

Die Herkunft der Bezeichnung "Alabama" ist umstritten. Es war der Name eines Indianerstammes (Alabama, Albama, Alebamon, Alibama, Alibamou, Alibamon, Alabamu, and Allibamou). Möglicherweise bedeutet Alabama "Hier ruhen wir". Als Zusammensetzung aus den Worten Alba (dichtes Gebüsch) und Amo (säubern, sammeln, aufsammeln), könnte es aber auch "Rodung von Gebüsch" bedeuten. 1819 wurde Alabama der 22. Bundesstaat. Seit Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts dominierte die Baumwolle die die Wirtschaft des Staates. Heute ist Baumwolle zwar immer noch ein wichtiges Produkt, doch werden auf vielen der ehemals für Baumwolle genutzten Anbauflächen andere Produkte wie Mais, Erdnüsse und Sojabohnen angebaut. Besonders in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts kam es zu einer vergleichsweise schnellen Industrialisierung. Die in den 1930er Jahren begonnenen Programme der Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) zur Gewinnung hydroelektrischer Kraft, haben zur Entwicklung einer gigantischen Industrie in den Bereichen Düngemittel, Munition und Aluminiumverarbeitung geführt. Alabama, bekannt als "Heart of Dixie" (Herz des Dixieland) spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der Geschichte des Südens. Alabamas Hauptstadt Montgomery war die erste Hauptstadt der Konföderation im amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg. Touristen können in Alabama historische Gebäude und Gärten besuchen, die an den "Old South", die vergangene Blütezeit des Südens, erinnern. Beliebt sind ausserdem die Badeorte und Strände an den Küsten von Dauphin Island, Golf Shore und Mobile Bay.

Capital City: Montgomery
Bob Riley (to Jan. 2011)
Jeff Sessions, R (to Jan. 2009) Richard C. Shelby , R (to Jan. 2011)
House of Representatives:
7 districts | Search by zip code

Population (July 2004): 4,530,000; National Rank: 23; Percent change since April 2000: 1.9%
Land Area: 50,766 sq. mi.(131,443 sq km): National Rank: 30
Largest Cities (2003 est): Birmingham, 236,620; Montgomery, 200,123; Mobile, 193,464; Huntsville, 164,237; Tuscaloosa, 79,294; Hoover, 65,070; Dothan, 60,036; Decatur, 54,239; Auburn, 46,923; Gadsden, 37,619

Total Gross State Product 2003 est. (millions of current dollars): $132,145 (% of U.S. Total: 1.2)
Per Capita Personal Income 2001:
$24,477; National rank: 44 (80% of national average)
State Exports 2002 (millions of dollars): 8,267; National Rank: 25
Poultry and eggs, cattle, nursery stock, peanuts, cotton, vegetables, milk, soybeans.
Paper, lumber and wood products, mining, rubber and plastic products, transportation equipment, apparel.

· - Official State Homepage
· Project VoteSmart
State and Local Government on the Internet (Piper Resources)

· Alabama Profile (Fedstats)
U.S. Census Bureau: 2000 Data for the State of Alabama
U.S. Census Bureau: Census State Data Centers: Alabama

· Alabama - Regional Accounts Data (Bureau of Economic Analysis, DoC)


· Alabama Emblems, Symbols and Honors (Alabama Department of Archives and History)
· Alabama Maps (University of Alabama)
· State Profiles
· Infoplease
· Alabama Deutsch
· Alabama Deutsch


· State Tourist Office (Alabama Bureau of Tourism & Travel)
· Alabama State Parks (Alabama Department of Conservation and Nature Resources)
Bed & Breakfast Inns (Bed & Breakfast Inns Online)
· Discover Alabama (Alabama Travel Council)

For High School Students
· Explore the States (Library of Congress)
· Stately Knowledge (The Internet Public Library)

· State Reports: Alabama (

Teacher Resources
· Alabama Department of Archives and History
· Pro Teacher: Lessons by State: Alabama

Link Lists
· Alabama (Google)
· Alabama (Yahoo)
· AlabamaInfo (Max Connections)
· Federal, State & Local Government Site

Texts are abridged from U.S. State Department IIP publications and other U.S. government materials.
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/Public Affairs/ Information Resource Centers 
Updated: December 2006