Key Principles
Reduce Poverty through Economic Growth
The MCC will focus specifically on promoting sustainable economic growth that reduces poverty through investments in areas such as agriculture, education, private sector development, and capacity building.
Reward Good Policy
Using objective indicators, countries will be selected to receive assistance based on their performance in governing justly, investing in their citizens, and encouraging economic freedom.
Operate as Partners
Working closely with the MCC, countries that receive MCA assistance will be responsible for identifying the greatest barriers to their own development, ensuring civil society participation, and developing an MCA program. MCA participation will require a high-level commitment from the host government. Each MCA country will enter into a public Compact with MCC that includes a multi-year plan for achieving development objectives and identifies the responsibilities of each partner in achieving those objectives.
Focus on Results
MCA assistance will go to those countries that have developed well-designed programs with clear objectives, benchmarks to measure progress, procedures to ensure fiscal accountability for the use of MCA assistance, and a plan for effective monitoring and objective evaluation of results. Programs are designed to enable sustainable progress even after the funding under the MCA Compact has ended.