GOVERNMENT > The Three Branches > Judicial Branch > Justice Souter

David Hackett Souter
Biographical Data
- Birth, Residence, and Family
- Born September 17, 1939 in Melrose, Massachusetts, son of Joseph Alexander and Helen Adams Hackett Souter.
- Education
- Harvard College, A.B. 1961, Phi Beta Kappa, selected Rhodes Scholar; Magdalen College, Oxford, 1963, A.B. in Jurisprudence, M.A. 1989; Harvard Law School, LL.B. 1966.
- Law Practice
- Associate, Orr and Reno, Concord, NH, 1966-1968.
- Government Service
- Assistant Attorney General of New Hampshire, 1968-1971; Deputy Attorney General of New Hampshire, 1971-1976; Attorney General of New Hampshire, 1976-1978.
- Judicial Offices
- Associate Justice, New Hampshire Superior Court, 1978-1983; Associate Justice, New Hampshire Supreme Court, 1983-1990; Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, 1990; Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States, 1990.
- Other Assignments
- Maine-New Hampshire Interstate Boundary Commission, 1971-1975; New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council, 1976-1978; New Hampshire Governor's Commission on Crime and Delinquency, 1976-1978, 1979-1983; New Hampshire Judicial Council, 1976-1978.
- Civic Activities
- Trustee, Concord Hospital, Concord, New Hampshire, 1972-1985, President 1978-1984; Trustee, New Hampshire Historical Society, 1976-1985; Vice President, 1970-1985, Overseer, Dartmouth Medical School, 1981-1987.
- Affiliations with Professional Organizations and Academic Institutions
- Merrimack County Bar Association; New Hampshire Bar Association; American Bar Association; Honorary Fellow, American Bar Foundation; National Association of Attorneys General; Honorary Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers; Honorary Master of the Bench, Gray's Inn, London; Honorary Fellow, Magdalen College, Oxford; Associate, Lowell House, Harvard College.
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