Why should you be concerned about air pollution?
Features of the 1990 Clean Air Act
- The role of the federal government and the role of the states
- Interstate air pollution
- International air pollution
- Permits
- Enforcement
- Deadlines
- Public Participation
- Market approaches for reducing air pollution; economic incentives
Cleaning up air pollution: the programs in the 1990 Clean Air Act
- Smog and other "criteria" air pollutants
- Smog
- Other criteria pollutants: carbon monoxide and particulates
- 1997 Changes to the Clean Air Act
- Offsets
- Criteria air pollutants in gasoline and consumer products
- Hazardous air pollutants
- Cleaner fuels
- Cleaner cars
- Inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs
- Cleaner trucks and buses
- Non-road vehicles
- Transportation policies