The situation changed, however, after 1965 when the first large-scale influx of Muslims from various countries came to the United States. Mosques then began to be built for the sole purpose of ministering to the Muslim community as houses of worship and community centers. The great variety of religious diversity and ethnicity among American Muslims today is reflected in the variety of building design and organization.
The photographer and chronicler of mosque architecture, Dr. Omar Khalidi, a senior research scholar at the Aga Khan Program in Islamic Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, explains the three types of mosque architecture that now flourish in the United States.
"First, there are mosques that embody a traditional design transplanted from one -- or several -- Islamic lands," Dr. Khalidi points out. "Second, there are those that represent a reinterpretation of tradition, sometimes combined with elements of American architecture. Third are the designs that are entirely innovative, like those of the Islamic Society of North America's headquarters in Plainfield, Indiana."
Most of the mosques in all three categories also function as classrooms, libraries, conference centers, bookshops, kitchens, and social halls, even as residential apartments.
Another important consideration in mosque architecture is the space for women to worship. In America, women generally are an integral part of mosque activities and play a very active role in the Muslim community. In a typical American Muslim family, the entire family turns out for worship, necessitating separate space for women, usually at a mezzanine level.
In many instances, mosque architecture in North America reflects the prevailing building designs of the area. "Over time a standard design will evolve which will be a happy blend between nostalgia and innovation," Dr. Khalidi predicts. "The new emerging mosques in the West are a far cry from just domes and minarets."
 Curbside view of the Islamic Center of Evansville, Indiana. The building has elements of typical midwestern suburban architecture. (Courtesy Saudi Aramco World) |
 The interior space of the Islamic Center of Evansville, Indiana. (Courtesy Saudi Aramco World) |
 Built in 1979, The Islamic Society of North America in Plainfield, Indiana, has an austere character in which the mosque, the library and the office block form a unified scheme. (Courtesy Saudi Aramco World) |
 In Tempe, Arizona, a more traditional mosque with dome and minaret. (Courtesy Omar Khalidi) |
 The Islamic center of Southern California in Beverly Hills. (Scott Alfieri/Gamma Liaison) |
 The Islamic Society of Greater Houston, Texas, built in the early '90s. (Courtesy Omar Khalidi) |
 In Pullman, Washington, a traditional minaret graces this Islamic center. (Courtesy Omar Khalidi) |
 An interior view of the Mosque of the Nation of Islam in Chicago, Illinois. (Daniel Laine/CORBIS) |
 The innovative design of the Islamic Center of Albuquerque, New Mexico, rethinks the possibilities of geometry, space, structure, and material. (Kirk Gittings) |
 Since its completion in 1991, The Islamic Cultural Center has become a landmark in downtown New York City. (© Wolfgang Hoyt/Esto/Architect Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill) |
 A member of the Islamic Cultural Center of Washington, D.C, pauses after Friday services to admire the beautiful interior of traditional design. (Ken Lambert) |