EDUCATION > The U.S. Education System > Structure of the U.S. Education System > Graduate
School >
Graduate Enrollment by Field of Study: 1975-2003
Graduate Enrollment by Field of Study : 1975–2003

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302,981 |
234,649 |
68,332 |
325,600 |
251,265 |
74,335 |
357,991 |
261,973 |
96,018 |
397,041 |
289,383 |
107,658 |
422,466 |
315,265 |
107,201 |
413,536 |
309,424 |
104,112 |
474,203 |
346,828 |
127,375 |
Source: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics
Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering: Fall 2003 (NSF 06-307), Table 2. Graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields in all institutions, by field: 1975–2003
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