Reference |
America's commitment: women 2000 |
R 305.4 Ame |
The American century: art & culture 1950-2000 |
Phillips, Lisa |
R 709.73 Phi |
Congressional staff directory. 2000 Summer |
R 328.73 C |
Dictionary of military terms |
R 355 Dic |
The e-commerce question and answer book: a survival guide for business
managers |
Rosen, Anita |
R 658.8 Ros |
Editor & Publisher international year book |
R 070 E |
The extreme searcher's guide to web search engines: a handbook for the
serious searcher |
Hock, Randolph |
R 025.04 Hoc |
The facts on file companion to the American short story |
R 813.0103 Fac |
Industry reference handbooks: entertainment |
R 338.74 Ind |
Moody's industrial manual |
R 332.1 Moo |
New York Times century of business |
Norris, Floyd |
R 330.9 Nor |
PAIS international in print-author index |
R 016.3 P |
PAIS international in print-subject index |
R 016.3 P |
Rand McNally: commercial atlas & marketing guide 1999 |
R 912 R |
Reference sources for small and medium-sized libraries |
R 011.02 Ref |
Thomas Register 1999 |
R 670 Tho |
U. S. code congressional and administrative news, 106th congress, 1st
session |
R 345 U |
Circulation |
21st century economics: perspectives of socioeconomics for a changing
world |
330.9 Twe |
American state and local politics: directions for the 21st century |
351.73 Ame |
American culture, American tastes |
Kammen, Michael |
306.0973 Kam |
American foreign policy: past, present, future |
Hastedt, Glenn P. |
327.73 Has |
The American presidency, 1776-1998 |
Milkis, Sidney M. |
353.0313 Mil |
Asian American dreams: the emergence of an American people |
Zia, Helen |
305.8 Zia |
The bank merger wave: the economic causes and social consequences of
financial consolidation |
Dymski, Gary A. |
332.1 Dym |
Code and other laws of cyberspace |
Lessig, Lawrence |
343.099 Les |
Crime, public opinion, and civil liberties: the tolerant public |
Lock, Shmuel |
364.973 Loc |
Developing democracy: toward consolidation |
Diamond, Larry |
321.809 Dia |
Ethnic Americans: a history of immigration |
Dinnerstein, Leonard |
305.8 Din |
E-topia: "urban life, jim-but not as we know it" |
Mitchell, William J. |
303.48 Mit |
Explaining congressional-presidential relations |
Shull, Steven A. |
328.73 Shu |
Feeling good or doing good with sanctions |
Preeg, Ernest H. |
337.73 Pre |
Funding science in America |
Savage, James D. |
338.973 Sav |
The Greenspan effect |
Sicilia, David B. |
332.11 Sic |
Hemingway: the final years |
Reynolds, Michael |
813.52 Rey |
Law 101: everything you need to know about the American legal system |
Feinman, Jay M. |
349.73 Fei |
Louis Armstrong, in his own words: selected writings |
Armstrong, Louis |
781.65 Arm |
Mark Twain: a literary life |
Emerson, Everett |
818.409 Eme |
Meltdown: Asia's boom, bust, and beyond |
Clifford, Mark L. |
330.95 Cli |
Meritocracy and economic inequality |
305.5 Mer |
New majority or old minority?: the impact of republicans on congress |
324.2734 New |
Nonvoters: America's no-shows |
Doppelt, Jack C. |
324.973 Dop |
Organizational report cards |
Gormley, William T. |
658.4 Gor |
Patterns for America: modernism and the concept of culture |
Hegeman, Susan |
810.9 Heg |
Peepshow: media and politics in an age of scandal |
Sabato, Larry J. |
070.4 Sab |
Police in society |
363 Pol |
The politics of ecosystem management |
Cortner, Hanna J. |
363.7 Cor |
The presidency of George Bush |
Greene, John Robert |
973.928 Gre |
Presidential greatness |
Landy, Marc |
973.099 Lan |
Presidential policymaking |
352.23 Pre |
In pursuit of the White House 2000: how we choose our presidnetial
nominees |
324.63 In |
The road to the White House 2000 |
Wayne, Stephen J. |
324.973 Way |
School violence |
371.7 Sch |
Smuggled Chinese: clandestine immigration to the United States |
Chin, Ko-lin |
304.873 Chi |
The sometime connection: public opinion and social policy |
Sharp, Elaine B. |
361.6 Sha |
States, firms, and power: successful sanctions in United States foreign
policy |
Shambaugh, George |
337.73 Sha |
Understanding Eudora Welty |
Kreyling, Michael |
813.52 Kre |
The web of politics: the Internet's impact on the American political
system |
Davis, Richard |
323.042 Dav |
English Teaching |
Approaches and methods in language teaching: a description and analysis |
Richards, Jack C. |
418 Ric |
Cultural awareness |
Tomalin, Barry |
407 Tom |
Enhancing reading comprehension in the language learning classroom |
Feuerstein, Tamar |
428 Feu |
Making America: the society and culture of the United States |
973 Mak |
Teaching pronunciation: a reference for teachers of English to speakers of
other languages |
Celce-Murcia, M. |
428.007 Cel |
A twentieth-century American reader 1900-1945 |
810 Twe |
Writing academic English |
Oshima, Alice |
808.042 Osh |
Travel |
300 incredible things for travelers on the Internet |
TR G |
California hiking: the complete guide to 1,000 of the best hikes in the
golden state |
Stienstra, Tom |
Los Angeles. Three perfect days. |
San Francisco. Three perfect days. |
On the road again with man's best friend: a detailed guide to over 16,000
accommodations that welcome pets |
TR G |
Universal studios escape: the ultimate guide to the ultimate theme park
adventure |
Monaghan, Kelly |
TR G |
The unofficial guide to Walt Disney World 2000 |
Sehlinger, Bob |
TR G |