
American Literature in Brief


U.S. Department of State
Bureau of International Information Programs.


第’章 早期’國’殖民’’
Chapter 1 -- Early American and Colonial Period

第’章 民’’源’’革’’’’’’
Chapter 2 -- Democratic Origins and Post-Revolutionary Writers

第’章 ’漫’’’散文’’詩’
Chapter 3  --  The Romantic Period,  Essayists and Poets

第’章 ’漫’’’’說
Chapter 4 -- The Romantic Period,  Fiction

第五章 ’實’’’興’
Chapter 5 -- The Rise of Realism

第六章 ’’’’’實驗’’
Chapter 6 -- Modernism and Experimentation

第’章 戰’’’’’’’個’’興盛
Chapter 7 -- Postwar Modernism: The Flowering of the Individual