Inaugural Address
. . . .Each
period of our national history has had its special challenges. Those that
confront us now are as momentous as any in the past. Today marks the beginning
not only of a new administration, but of a period that will be eventful, perhaps
decisive, for us and for the world.
It may be
our lot to experience, and in large measure to bring about, a major turning
point in the long history of the human race. The first half of this century, has
been marked by unprecedented and brutal attacks on the rights of man, and by the
two most frightful wars in history. The supreme need of our time is for men to
learn to live together in peace and harmony.
peoples of the earth face the future with grave uncertainty, composed almost
equally of great hopes and great fears. In this time of doubt, they look to the
United States as never before for good will, strength, and wise leadership.
It is
fitting, therefore, that we take this occasion to proclaim to the world the
essential principles of the faith by which we live, and to declare our aims to
all peoples.
American people stand firm in the faith which has inspired this Nation from the
beginning. We believe that all men have a right to equal justice under law and
equal opportunity to share in the common good. We believe that all men have the
right to freedom of thought and expression. We believe that all men are created
equal because they are created in the image of God.
From this
faith we will not be moved.
American people desire, and are determined to work for, a world in which all
nations and all peoples are free to govern themselves as they see fit and to
achieve a decent and satisfying life. About all else, our people desire, and are
determined to work for, peace on earthA�a
just and lasting peaceA�based
on genuine agreement freely arrived at by equals.
In the
pursuit of these aims, the United States and other like-minded nations find
themselves directly opposed by a regime with contrary aims and a totally
different concept of life.
regime adheres to a false philosophy which purports to offer freedom, security,
and greater opportunity to mankind. Misled by this philosophy, many peoples have
sacrificed their liberties only to learn to their sorrow that deceit and
mockery, poverty and tyranny, are their reward.
false philosophy is communism.
is based on the belief that man is so weak and inadequate that he is unable to
govern himself, and therefore requires the rule of strong masters.
is based on the conviction that man has the moral and intellectual capacity, as
well as the inalienable right, to govern himself with reason and justice.
subjects the individual to arrest without lawful cause, punishment without
trial, and forced labor as the chattel of the state. It decrees what information
he shall receive, what art he shall produce, what leaders he shall follow, and
what thoughts he shall think.
maintains that government is established for the benefit of the individual, and
is charged with the responsibility of protecting the rights of the individual
and his freedom in the exercise of his abilities.
maintains that social wrongs can be corrected only by violence.
has proved that social justice can be achieved through peaceful change.
holds that the world is so deeply divided into opposing classes that war is
holds that free nations can settle differences justly and maintain lasting
differences between communism and democracy do not concern the United States
alone. People everywhere are coming to realize that what is involved is material
well-being, human dignity, and the right to believe in and worship God.
I state
these differences, not to draw issues of belief as such, but because the actions
resulting from the Communist philosophy are a threat to the efforts of free
nations to bring about world recovery and lasting peace.
Since the
end of hostilities, the United States has invested its substance and its energy
in a great constructive effort to restore peace, stability, and freedom in the
We have
sought no territory and we have imposed our will on none. We have asked for no
privileges we would not extend to others.
We have
constantly and vigorously supported the United Nations and related agencies as
a means of applying democratic principles to international relations. We have
consistently advocated and relied upon peaceful settlement of disputes among
We have
made every effort to secure agreement on effective international control of our
most powerful weapon, and we have worked steadily for the limitation and control
of all armaments.
We have
encouraged, by precept and example, the expansion of world trade on a sound and
fair basis.
Almost a
year ago, in company with 16 free nations of Europe, we launched the greatest
co-operative economic program in history. The purpose of that unprecedented
effort is to invigorate and strengthen democracy in Europe, so that the free
people of that continent can resume their rightful place in the forefront of
civilization and can contribute once more to the security and welfare of the
efforts have brought new hope to all mankind. We have beaten back despair and
defeatism. We have saved a number of countries from losing their liberty.
Hundreds of millions of people all over the world now agree with us, that we
need not have warA�that
we can have peace....
In the
coming years, our program for peace and freedom will emphasize four major
courses of action.
First. We
will continue to give unfaltering support to the United Nations and related
agencies, and we will continue to search for ways to strengthen their authority
and increase their effectiveness. We believe that the United Nations will be
strengthened by the new nations which are being formed in lands now advancing
toward self-government under democratic principles.
We will continue our programs for world economic recovery.
means, first of all, that we must keep our full weight behind the European
recovery program. We are confident of the success of this major venture in world
recovery. We believe that our partners in this effort will achieve the status of
self-supporting nations once again.
addition, we must carry out our plans for reducing the barriers to world trade
and increasing its volume. Economic recovery and peace itself depend on
increased world trade.
Third. We will strengthen freedom-loving nations against the dangers of
aggression. We are now working out with a number of countries a joint agreement
designed to strengthen the security of the North Atlantic area. Such an
agreement would take the form of a collective defense arrangement within the
terms of the United Nations Charter. . . .
We must embark on a bold new program for making the benefits of our scientific
advances and industrial progress available for the improvement and growth of
underdeveloped areas.
More than
half the people of the world are living in conditions approaching misery. Their
food is inadequate. They are victims of disease. Their economic life is
primitive and stagnant. Their poverty is a handicap and a threat both to them
and to more prosperous areas.
For the
first time in history humanity possesses the knowledge and the skill to relieve
the suffering of these people.
United States is preeminent among nations in the development of industrial and
scientific techniques. The material resources which we can afford to use for the
assistance of other peoples are limited. But our imponderable resources in
technical knowledge are constantly growing and are inexhaustible.
I believe
that we should make available to peace-loving peoples the benefits of our store
of technical knowledge in order to help them realize their aspirations for a
better life. And, in cooperation with other nations, we should foster capital
investment in areas needing development.
Our aim
should be to help the free peoples of the world, through their own efforts, to
produce more food, more clothing, more materials for housing, and more
mechanical power to lighten their burdens.
We invite
other countries to pool their technological resources in this undertaking. Their
contributions will be warmly welcomed. This should be a cooperative enterprise
in which all nations work together through the United Nations and its
specialized agencies wherever practicable. It must be a world-wide effort for the
achievement of peace, plenty, and freedom. ...
countries, including our own, will greatly benefit from a constructive program
for the better use of the world's human and natural resources. Experience
shows that our commerce with other countries expands as they progress
industrially and economically.
production is the key to prosperity and peace. And the key to greater production
is a wider and more vigorous application of modern scientific and technical
Only by
helping the least fortunate of its members to help themselves can the human
family achieve the decent, satisfying life that is the right of all people.
alone can supply the vitalizing force to stir the peoples of the world into
triumphant action, not only against their human oppressors, but also against
their ancient enemiesA�hunger,
misery, and despair.
On the
basis of these four major courses of action we hope to help create the
conditions that will lead eventually to personal freedom and happiness for all
mankind. . . .