’’’’蘭’爾 ’’’民’
“媽媽’親’’’我’不’ 不’’’’’’ 讓我參’今天’’由’’’
走’’’’’街’’” “不’’貝’’不’’’ ’爲’’’’野’’ 而’警棍’’ ’手’’’’’ ’個’’’不該’’’” “’’’媽媽’我不’’’亂闖’ ’’’’’’我’’’ 爲’我們國’’’由’ 走’’’’’街’’” “不’’貝’’不’’’ ’爲我’警察’’’ ’’’’’’’’童唱詩’’ ’’’教堂’” ’替’’’’’黑’’’’
棕’’’手戴著白手’’ ’雙白’’’’’ 母親面’’’’’’’ ’’正’’’’’方’ ’不’’’’’成’ ’’’最’’’’’ ’爲當’聽見’’’’’ ’’湧’眼眶’心’’’’ ’’’’喚著’’’ ’’’’’’街’’’ 母親扒’’’爛石’ 撿’’隻’’’ “Ⅷ’’’我’’’’’’ ’’’’貝’’’什麽’方?” ’ |
"Mother, dear,
may I go downtown instead of out to play, and march the streets of Birmingham in a freedom march today?" "No, baby, no, you may not go, "But, mother, I won't go alone. "No, baby, no, you may not go, She has combed and brushed her nightdark
hair, The mother smiled to know her child For when she heard the explosion, She clawed through bits of glass and
brick. |