詹’’’’爾’’’翰遜’J’羅瑟’’’’翰遜 (JAMES WELDON JOHNSON AND J. ROSAMOND JOHNSON) ’’引’高’
’’引’高’’ ’’天’’之’’’ ’’’由’交’’ 讓我們’’’情’ ’’’側耳傾聽’天頂’ 讓’’’’壓’翻騰’’’’ 唱’首’’讓它’滿黑’’’教給 我們’’仰’ 唱’首’’讓它’滿當今’’給予 我們’’望’ ’著’’’天’升’太陽’ 讓我們’’’’’凱’飛揚’
我們’’’嶇’’ 身’’’’’’’ 那’月’’望’滅母腹中’ ’’’’’未’’’ 堅’走完’’’路’ ’今不’’’’’’’ 歎’’? 我們’’’路’’’’’’ ’’’’ 我們’’’路’’’’’’ ’’’’ 掙扎’’日’黑’’終’’立’ 今天’ 白’’’’’燦爛’終’照’我 心間’
我們’’日’中’’’’ 我們’’’’’’’’’ ’’領我們’’漫’’’’ ’憑’’’’’ ’引我們見’’’ 請永’我們走正’’我們’禱’
’’啊’’’我們’’’’’ 脫離’我’’’’ 心’啊’’’喝’’’’’’ 而把’給’’塗’ ’’’’’’’手’讓我們’’’ 永遠’立’ ’’心中’’’’’’’園’’’’ ’ |
Lift ev'ry voice
and sing, Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of Liberty; Let our rejoicing rise High as the list'ning skies, Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won. Stony the road we trod, God of our weary years, |