Washington Hyper File

EPF edition

U.S. Department of State

Thursday, 2 September 2004

401 Transcript: State Department Noon Briefing, September 2
(Malaysia, China, South Korea, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Honduras, Bahamas, Sudan, Libya, China/Taiwan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Israel/Syria, Israel/Palestinians, U.S.-Central America relations) (7930)

402 White House Report, September 2: Russia, Greece
(Bush condemns Russian hostage-takers, offers U.S. assistance to Putin) (240)

403 U.S. Welcomes Decision to Release Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim
(State Dept. calls court decision "victory for rule of law") (190)

404 Text: U.S. Condemns Slaying of Nepalese Workers in Iraq
(State Dept deplores targeting people working to rebuild Iraq) (320)

405 Transcript: U.S. Wants Security Council to Address Iran's Nuclear Activities
(Powell says Iran is seeking to develop a nuclear weapon) (3980)

406 Global Health Campaign for Fruits, Vegetables Gaining Momentum
(New medical evidence underscores importance of dietary recommendations) (510)

407 Text: World Must Intensify Push to Find an HIV Vaccine
(Vaccine research needs should not be sidelined in rush for treatment, expert says) (880)

408 Text: Thyroid Cancer Risk Rises With Radiation Dose, Chernobyl Study Finds
(U.S., Russian team completes new study of Chernobyl disaster victims) (2160)

409 Cheney Accepts VP Nomination Challenges Kerry's Record
(Republican Convention highlights economic opportunities under Bush) (470)

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