Washington Hyper File

EPF edition

U.S. Department of State

Thursday, 1 April 2004

401 Transcript: White House Daily Briefing, April 1
(Presidential phone calls, presidential press conference, tax cuts, Rice 9/11 speech, pre 9/11 terrorism strategy, Iraq violence, OPEC, Uzbekistan bombing, North Korea, president and vice president testifying, new U.N. resolution, Taiwan, Unborn Victim's Act, International Court of Justice ruling, military Options in al Qaeda plan) (5340)

402 Transcript: Iraq Weapons Hunt Now Focusing on Previous Regime's Intent
(Iraqi experts have been reluctant to share information) (3590)

403 Text: Top U.S. Aid Priorities: Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Ethiopia, AIDS
(USAID's Natsios links global development, national security) (4180)

404 Text: Black Says al-Qaeda Weaker, but Still a Potent Force
(Counter-terrorism official urges allies to be flexible) (3500)

405 Text: Taiwan Relations Act Helps Democracy Thrive on Taiwan, Senator Says
(Sen. Brownback at symposium on 25th anniversary of TRA) (2650)

406 Text: Bush to Nominate Michael W. Marine as Ambassador to Vietnam
(Marine is career member of the Senior Foreign Service) (170)

407 Text: Research Group Projects Global Economic Boom in 2004, 2005
(Views high oil prices, constrained monetary and fiscal polices as threats) (1710)

408 Text: U.S. Disappointed with OPEC Oil Output Cuts
(Oil producers should not hurt consumers, energy secretary says) (230)

409 Text: USTR Releases 2004 Trade Barriers Report amid Clamor for Action
(Trade officials rebut Democrats' demands for several WTO cases) (1360)

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