Washington Hyper File

EPF edition

U.S. Department of State

Friday, 23 January 2004

501 Transcript: White House Daily Briefing, January 23
(Special Envoy Baker, Iraq, Halliburton, Omnibus bill, report of infiltration of Democratic computers, Iran, space program, immigration, homeland security, budget, judicial nominees, food safety, deficit, pensions) (6340)

502 Transcript: State Department Noon Briefing, January 23
(Announcement, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Turkey/Cyprus, Libya, New Guinea, Azerbaijan, Venezuela, Israel/Palestinians) (6200)

503 U.S. Says Iran Should Return Al Qaeda Members to Country of Origin
(White House Report, Jan. 23: Iran, Iraq/Baker/United Nations, Week Ahead) (860)

504 Text: David Kay Stepping Down as Head of Iraq Weapons Inspection Team
(CIA appointing Charles Duelfer, former UNSCOM official, as replacement) (720)

505 Text: U.S. "Disappointed" by Malaysia's Decision on Anwar Ibrahim
(State Department January 22 statement) (230)

506 Transcript: Testing All U.S. Cows for BSE Not Necessary, Officials Say
(In Japan, they say beef trade should be science-based) (6540)

507 Text: Hagel Urges Greater NATO Involvement in Middle East
(Speech to U.S. Mission to NATO's 2004 Security Seminar in Brussels) (3780)

508 Text: NASA Engineers Receive Limited Data from Mars Rover
(Still trying to diagnose cause of communications problem) (1070)

509 Excerpt: Survey Shows Business Taking Little Action on HIV/AIDS
(Results presented at World Economic Forum) (2760)

510 Text: International Public Health Threatened by Avian Flu Outbreaks
(World Health Organization cites "serious concern for human health") (1250)

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